akgulebubekir / Xamarin.Forms.DataGrid

DataGrid Component For Xamarin.Forms Projects
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Multiple DataGrids in a ListView #68

Open enryb opened 6 years ago

enryb commented 6 years ago

Hello, I tried to put mor than a Datagrid in a ListView, but when data changes app crashes. I found that the exception thrown is because Datagrid uses ListView and it is not possible to use a nested ListView.

I like it was possible to use multiple DataGrids in a ListView.

My situation is: Class A { string Title {get; set;} B subprojects {get; set;} }

Class B { DateTime Date {get; set;} string Name {get; set;} }

and I like to render lots of A objects like:


DATAGRID(Columns: B.Date, B.Name).

Can you make it possible?

Thanks, enryb

anovik commented 6 years ago

I think you can use TabbedPage instead of your ListView to have one Datagrid per tab, will it solve your problem? Then you can have Label as Tab title and grid as the content of tab.

Anyway, you won't be able to have Listview inside Listview.