akharroubi / 3D-Data-Essentials

3D DATA PROCESSING AND MODELING ESSENTIALS: A curated collection of tools, literature, courses, and datasets for mastering 3D point cloud technology.
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Suggestion to add LidarView and Telesculptor to the list #2

Open GFerretKitware opened 6 months ago

GFerretKitware commented 6 months ago

Hi @akharroubi , Thanks a lot for setting up this very helpful list (in particular I discovered a few datasets / tech companies I wasn't aware about :) ) !

Sorry for the self promo :)

You may also add the following to this list :

LidarView, which is an open source application derived from ParaView ( and which historically comes from VeloView, the software for visualizing Velodyne data), and adding tools for live sensor connection / replay and point cloud specific algorithms ( including wrapping of PCL fonctionalities as filters, SLAM, Deep Learning... ). GitLab : https://gitlab.kitware.com/LidarView/lidarview Website : https://lidarview.kitware.com/

Telesculptor, which is an open source photogrammetry software, specialized in creating 3D point cloud and meshes in aerial imagery Github : https://github.com/Kitware/TeleSculptor Website : https://telesculptor.org/

Kitware, the company behind those 2 tools ( but also VTK, CMake or trame to name only those ) who provides services in various domains, including a strong expertise Computer Vision and 3D point cloud processing ( either to enrich our open source platform, to derive custom applications out of them, or even custom made processing )

Thanks again !

akharroubi commented 6 months ago

Hi @GFerretKitware,

It's a pleasure, absolutely no worries, especially as both are very popular. They are on the list. Thanks to Kitware for constantly encouraging open source.

Many thanks to you

GFerretKitware commented 6 months ago

Thanks !