akhealth / DevSecOpsMvp

DevOps practices and tools, Continous Integration and Delivery for the Alaska DHSS modernization project.
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Update DevSecOps Repo? #4

Open mheadd opened 6 years ago

mheadd commented 6 years ago

Wondering if the content in the DevSecOps repo should be modified to reflect the fact that it will apply to the OCS work, and potentially work done by other divisions within DHSS. Much of what is in it can be easily applied to other divisions, but there are some instances of DPA specific stuff.

I know we talked about archiving this repo, but if we do keep it public we might want to think about some potential changes.

Thoughts @sztaylorakgov and @ctro?

sztaylorakgov commented 6 years ago

@mheadd Just to be clear, are you asking about modifying the DevSecOpsMvp repo on VSTS and pushed to GitHub?

mheadd commented 6 years ago

@sztaylorakgov Assuming that there is a need to have a public and private view of DevSecOps info, then no - I think it's fine to have separate repos (one for the public and vendors in Github, another for internal use in VSTS). I guess what I meant to ask is if the Github version will remain, are there items in it that are overly DPA specific (assuming that we point to this repo from an OCS RFP document)?