[x] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
[ ] Is this change backwards compatible? For example, developers won't need to change how they are calling the API or how they've extended core plugins such as Tables or Plots.
Author Checklist
[x] Changes address original issue?
[ ] Tests included and/or updated with changes?
[x] Command line build passes?
[x] Has this been smoke tested?
[x] Testing instructions included in associated issue OR is this a dependency/testcase change?
Reviewer Checklist
[ ] Changes appear to address issue?
[ ] Reviewer has tested changes by following the provided instructions?
[ ] Changes appear not to be breaking changes?
[ ] Appropriate automated tests included?
[ ] Code style and in-line documentation are appropriate?
[ ] Has associated issue been labelled unverified? (only applicable if this PR closes the issue)
[ ] Has associated issue been labelled bug? (only applicable if this PR is for a bug fix)
Closes #427
Describe your changes:
Updates the optionaldependency version to match the supported compatibility between openmct and openmct-yamcs
All Submissions:
Author Checklist
Reviewer Checklist