akhikhl / wuff

Gradle plugin for automating assembly of OSGi/Eclipse bundles and applications
MIT License
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wuff with eclipse-neon - SWT parts not available at compile time #114

Open de-jcup opened 7 years ago

de-jcup commented 7 years ago

Hello, I am a little bit stuck on a problem - maybe you can help:


I am developing a eclipse integration for eclipse called egradle (https://github.com/de-jcup/egradle) and I want to execute my testcases in complete eclipse environment so I can test eclipse parts too (currently I don't so many parts are not tested). To eat my own dog food I decided to do the test execution also with gradle so I started to use wuff...

Changes made to get wuff on eclipse-neon running

My target platform is eclipse-neon, I setup the wuff-depencies in https://github.com/de-jcup/egradle/blob/feature-84-make-eclipse-projects-built-by-gradle/build.gradle to work with eclipse-neon (3.6.1)

Download + Installation fine

The downloads and the installation to ./wuff are working, all fine.

Build failes on compileJava

at https://travis-ci.org/de-jcup/egradle/builds/167167495 (or as raw log in https://api.travis-ci.org/jobs/167167496/log.txt?deansi=true)

you can see I am full missing all kind of org.eclipse.swt imports: e.g. /home/travis/build/de-jcup/egradle/egradle-plugin-main/src/main/java-eclipse/de/jcup/egradle/eclipse/Activator.java:24: error: package org.eclipse.swt.custom does not exist

but when I execute ./gradlew :egradle-plugin-main:dependencies

at the ouptut, I see the org.eclipse.swt plugin apearing


All I want to do is currently a simple compile and execute all test cases. So what goes wrong?

davidmichaelkarr commented 7 years ago

I suggest you examine the history of recent responses to issues in this project.

Is there some reason Buildship isn't sufficient for you?

de-jcup commented 7 years ago

recent responses to issues:

I found nothing about eclipse-neon, so I started to configure for 3.6 Also I found nothing about missing SWT as well - so I started this issue.


Hmm.. I tried it (and Gradle IDE) and it felt not good What I want is simply