akhikhl / wuff

Gradle plugin for automating assembly of OSGi/Eclipse bundles and applications
MIT License
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Integrating SBT project in an Eclipse application: Can Wuff rescue me? #117

Open rabejens opened 7 years ago

rabejens commented 7 years ago

I have a large SBT based multi-project build I want to leave this way. Now, I want to add a GUI application that is based on Eclipse RCP / Workbench. Currently, my workflow is:

  1. Build the SBT project
  2. Publish the artifacts to the local Maven repository
  3. Use p2-maven-plugin and Maven to create an update site
  4. Install the bundles generated in 3. into my workbench target platform
  5. Create my Eclipse application

The first two steps are okay for me, they can be automated in Jenkins. Now I am having a bit of a headache about "Jenkins-izing" the other three steps. I haven't yet found a good solution for this. There is the good old PDE build which is ant-based and very cumbersome for larger projects, then there is Maven Tycho which also looks quite painful because it shoehorns Eclipse's P2 system on top of Maven, and it's Dependency Hell galore. Eclipse now has Buildship but I haven't yet looked at it in detail, so I don't know if it can build RCP applications.

I just found Wuff and in the Wiki there is a site on converting existing Eclipse plugins which looks quite straightforward.

So my questions are: