akhileshthite / create-fvm-dapp

📦 A full-stack starter template with React & Hardhat to develop, deploy, and test Solidity smart contracts on the FEVM network.
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bug: HardhatError: HH303: Unrecognized task callRPC #1

Open akhileshthite opened 1 year ago

akhileshthite commented 1 year ago

Had to set the priorityFee to resolve the HTTP Error: Provider Error issue while deploying contracts.

Getting "HardhatError: HH303: Unrecognized task callRPC" for dynamically setting the priority fees:

  const priorityFee = await hre.run('callRPC', {
     method: 'eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas',
     params: [],

Hence, setting priority fees manually: https://github.com/akhileshthite/create-fvm-dapp/blob/094c24249d106f44659d1bb80a445f6bc8dd4a94/scripts/deploy.js#L13

There's is something wrong with the hardhat version. current hardhat version: 2.12.7

Feel free to raise a PR.

akhileshthite commented 1 year ago

Had to set the priorityFee to resolve the HTTP Error: Provider Error issue while deploying contracts.

Getting "HardhatError: HH303: Unrecognized task callRPC" for dynamically setting the priority fees:

  const priorityFee = await hre.run('callRPC', {
     method: 'eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas',
     params: [],

Hence, setting priority fees manually:


There's is something wrong with the hardhat version. current hardhat version: 2.12.7

Feel free to raise a PR.

Update: I believe that the latest FVM Hyperspace update resolves this issue (HTTP Error: Provider Error), although deploying it without setting priorityFee may still take some time.

Any thoughts?

ruppysuppy commented 4 months ago

Such fake posts seem to be running rampant now - received 2 "job offers" within 12 hours

homemadestea58 commented 4 months ago

Such fake posts seem to be running rampant now - received 2 "job offers" within 12 hours

I've reported so many of them it's not funny. It's really annoying have spam like this on legitimate repositories that actually provide support for their code.