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經過量化的權重比原來的權重弱 #116

Closed foxrainowo closed 7 months ago

foxrainowo commented 8 months ago



aki65 commented 8 months ago

在 Playouts 数量相同的情况下,我在 BadukAI 权重和原始权重之间进行了数百场比赛。而 BadukAI 的权重要弱 30 ELO(由于采用了 8 位量化)。这只是很小的差别。 从统计学角度来看,一场比赛并不能说明什么。

HackYardo commented 8 months ago

The same issue I find recently? With the same playouts and the same model, Phone Android BadukAI maybe a little weaker than Laptop Linux Sabaki and would lose more games. Is that ture? Or some issue just caused by statistics?

aki65 commented 8 months ago

The last thorough comparison, which I did, was run with the s658 network. So, in theory, it's possible that the latest networks behave a little worse in terms of quantization inaccuracy, but it's pretty unlikely given that they have the same architecture and the same methods were used.

With s658 I ran 400 games which ended 219:181 in favour of the original network. But there was a high variance: Within this match there were streaks of 20 games which ended 16:4 for one side or the other. So we really should not not draw conclusions from small numbers of games.

Perhaps I should clarify some parameters I used in these matches (just in case you did something very different):