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two UI suggestions #124

Open bltoby opened 6 months ago

bltoby commented 6 months ago

1. The numbers of captures will be covered when the analyses/pondering are (being) done. It's better to move them into the top white/black circles. Since the stone on the board is marked with a red spot, it's clear whose turn to play. pic 1

2. The winrate and score lead like pic 2 could be more intuitive. Would you consider to implement it?

Just my two cents, thanks for your great app.

stone captures winrate and score

aki65 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your suggestions.

1) That's a good idea to put the captures in the top circles. However, they must still indicate, whose turn it is, because you need that information also before play starts (and then you have no last move). Moreover, the top circles are in fact buttons, which allow you to change whose turn it is (before play starts). But all this should be no problem: I can use a coloured border or something similar to indicate whose turn it is, then the interior is free for the captures.

2) Graph and histogram both have their pros and cons: The graph looks more polished and gives more numerical information. The histogram makes it immediately clear who is leading (with the graph you must always keep in mind if it is for black or for white). And the histogram is much better to display the score-delta between moves (which allows for easy blunder detection). So, I would consider this a matter of taste. Therefore I won't replace the histogram. But I might implement the graph as an additional option if find the time to do it.

bltoby commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the elaborations.

Options in this case are always better, I think.

foxrainowo commented 6 months ago

@aki65 我也有關於UI優化的建議。


此外,我要回報一些其他問題: 1.使用全局分析,每當計算量達到設定值時會跳轉到下一步。但經常出現的問題是:若果在跳轉到下一步棋的時刻正在按住着法分支的話,程式通常會當機。

  1. 我經過反覆實驗後發現了一個問題就是每次重新打開程式,它的計算速度可能不相同,或會變慢,這與設定的NPU號碼無關,且原因不明。

我在測試到底使用哪個NPU加速器會比較快。對此,我做了一些實驗。固定其他設置,只改變NPU號碼,並且在相同計算時間和相同局面的條件下,記錄下它們分別能有多少計算量。本來打算進行多輪測試來取平均值。但是結果十分奇怪,因為不同的NPU號碼都有明顯的兩個數值,一個數值低,一個數值高。例如在第一輪測試中,NPU -、1、2、3、5號,有13xxx計算量,而4號只有8xxx計算量。但是,在第二輪測試,NPU -、2、4、5號,有13xxx計算量,而1、3號只有8xxx計算量。出現這樣情況沒有原因和規律。


aki65 commented 6 months ago

1) 棋子和棋盘的纹理是一个品味问题,我无法让每个人都喜欢。但如果您提供了自己喜欢的棋子和棋盘的纹理,我可以尝试将它们整合为第二个 "主题"。 2) 声音是原创录音。如果您认为声音过于刺耳,可以通过降低设备音量来缓解。 3) 您提到的崩溃问题已在最新版本中得到修复 https://github.com/aki65/aki65.github.io/releases/tag/v1.19.11 4) 使用 18b 网络时,NPU 开关不起作用(该选项仅适用于 tflite 文件)。因此,开关和访问次数之间没有关联。 5) 访问次数之所以不同,是因为它计算的是访问量而不是播放量。因此,如果在搜索过程中位置经常重复(由于棋步顺序或对称性的变化),则无需重新计算,但仍将其计入访问次数。因此,在这种情况下,访问次数要高得多。此外,访问次数还取决于设备状态(并行运行的应用程序和温度),因为 NPU 可能会像 CPU 和 GPU 一样节流。

aki65 commented 6 months ago

In the latest release https://github.com/aki65/aki65.github.io/releases/tag/v1.19.11 captures are displayed in the top left circles.

bltoby commented 6 months ago

For me the style of the board and stones is quite good.

And the sound of a move is also OK, when I compare it with real sound when Yunzi stones hit the 5cm thick Shin Kaya wood Go Board. The app's 'deng-dong' sound is only a little bit unnatural because the 'dong' part should be attenuated more and shorter.

foxrainowo commented 6 months ago

@aki65 謝謝您的工作和解答!


bltoby commented 6 months ago

And I just noticed an issue, namely the captures are shown in reverse.

All other weiqi/go/baduk apps show capture number increasement in black circle/side when white stones are captured and vice versa.

aki65 commented 6 months ago

The question is: Should the number in the black circle denote: a) black stones captured b) captures by black

I opted for (a) when I implemented the capture display a long time ago. But if all other apps use (b) as you say, it should be changed. I did this in the latest release: https://github.com/aki65/aki65.github.io/releases/tag/v1.19.12

This release also offers an additional custom theme for board and stone textures where you can import your favorite images.

bltoby commented 3 months ago

Could you please make the next move indicator (the black circle) toggleble, sometimes it could be useful not to show it. IMG_20240517_194109

aki65 commented 3 months ago

In the latest release https://github.com/aki65/aki65.github.io/releases/tag/v1.19.19 you can toggle the display of the next move marker in "Set board appearance" in settings.

foxrainowo commented 3 months ago


aki65 commented 3 months ago

这已经成为可能(在 1.19.7 中引入,参见发行说明)。在设置中勾选 "游戏树",棋盘下方就会显示 sgf 树。如果长按节点,会弹出一个对话框,您可以在其中为节点添加注释。

foxrainowo commented 3 months ago


aki65 commented 3 months ago

编辑评论时,您可能会选择 “游戏树”: 1) 因为这是之后查看注释的唯一方法(显示直方图时,没有空间显示注释) 2) 因为您可能会使用变体,而 “游戏树 ”是访问变体的最佳方式。

选择 “游戏树 ”后,只需轻点一下即可编辑注释。还有比这更简单的吗?


foxrainowo commented 3 months ago


aki65 commented 3 months ago

我在最新版本中实现了这一点 https://github.com/aki65/aki65.github.io/releases/tag/v1.19.20