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拍照识别棋谱,转换成sgf的时候,白子有时不能识别。 #80

Closed 1067511899 closed 1 year ago

1067511899 commented 1 year ago



Screenshot_20230430_193944_com foxwq yhwq 这是用野狐围棋的拍照功能,识别了所有的棋子。(btw:腾讯围棋的也能完整识别)

Screenshot_20230430_193905_net kir baduk_ai 这个是用本软件的,有白子没有识别。

对于电脑显示器上的棋局,本软件倒是能正确识别。 请问能否增强一下识别的准确率?谢谢。

HackYardo commented 1 year ago

Perhaps it is caused by the markers(1,2,3,▲...) on stones, I'm not sure whether it can be solved or not. Let's call the author @aki65 for help.

aki65 commented 1 year ago

The photo showcases three known weaknesses of detection in BadukAI: 1) Stones with numbers (or markings) are not well recognized 2) Sometimes a non-existing stone is "detected" on a 1-1 point 3) Distortion of the board (leading to curved grid lines) is not handled well

Unfortunately, these are not easy to improve: (1) and (2) are caused by incomplete training of the neural network detecting the stones. But I took the network as it is from an open source project, and I don't have the resources to re-train it. (3) is caused by the basic concept of the algorithm, which detects the board by searching for straight lines. So changing this would require a completely new approach.

Fortunately, all three weaknesses are pretty easy to avoid / correct: 1) These are usually at most a few stones, so they are easy to check (and correct if necessary) 2) There are only four 1-1 points, so also easy to check. 3) This can happen only when taking photos from a book, and even then it can be avoided by putting some weight on the edges of the page, so that it is rather plain.