akibrhast / github-issue-submission-form

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Project Profile Card Review and Update #14

Closed akibrhast closed 3 years ago

akibrhast commented 3 years ago
identification: '138791772'
title: Engage
description: >-
  Engage is a civic participation platform. Currently in beta, Engage makes it
  easier for residents of Santa Monica, CA to offer their feedback on policy
  issues that City Council is considering. Engage aims to increase access for
  community stakeholders who are unable to attend public meetings or may
  otherwise feel unheard by their local government.
image: /assets/images/projects/engage.jpg
image-hero: /assets/images/projects/engage-hero.jpg
alt: City council closed in session.
  - name: Teddy Cripeneau
    picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/TeddyCr
      github: https://github.com/TeddyCr
      slack: https://hackforla.slack.com/team/UAYBYQVV3
  - name: Eli Selkin
    role: Backend Architect
    picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/eselkin
      github: https://github.com/eselkin
      slack: https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U0611PL2D
  - name: GitHub
    url: https://github.com/hackla-engage
  - name: Site
    url: https://sm.engage.town
  - name: Wiki
    url: https://github.com/hackla-engage/Engage-Product-Documentation/wiki
  - name: Slack
    url: https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C6JBH478W
  - Santa Monica
  - Remote
  - category: UI/UX
    skill: UX designers
  - category: Development
    skill: NLP engineers
  - ReactJS
  - Django
  - PostgreSQL
partner: City of Santa Monica
tools: Hotjar, Google Analytics
vertical: Citizen Engagement
status: Active

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