Add the ability to append flashvars to the express installer. Currently,
the showExpressInstall method passes MMredirectURL, MMplayerType and
MMdoctitle as flash vars, but does not allow the user to pass custom flash
vars. If the method would pass custom flash vars, then the user could
modify the existing expressInstall.swf to accept different parameters and
act on it.
For example, I've modified the expressInstall.swf to accept a flash var to
call a JavaScript method when/if the user declines the installation of
Flash (clicks the "No" button in the express install).
I've fixed the issue locally by adding this code starting at line 286
(showExpressInstall function):
if (typeof regObj.flashVars != 'undefined') {
for (var k in regObj.flashVars) {
if (regObj.flashVars[k] != Object.prototype[k]) { // Filter out
prototype additions from other potential libraries
if (typeof fv != UNDEF) {
fv += "&" + k + "=" + regObj.flashVars[k];
else {
fv = k + "=" + regObj.flashVars[k];
Original issue reported on by on 2 Sep 2008 at 8:36
Original issue reported on by
on 2 Sep 2008 at 8:36