akinsho / flutter-tools.nvim

Tools to help create flutter apps in neovim using the native lsp
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How to configure launch flavor with arguments (args)? #318

Closed jonsaw closed 6 months ago

jonsaw commented 6 months ago

In VS Code, we can setup a flavor like the following:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch development Chrome (:4000)",
            "request": "launch",
            "type": "dart",
            "program": "lib/main.dart",
            "args": [
                "--flavor", "development",
                "--target", "lib/main_development.dart",
                "-d", "chrome","--web-port", "4000"

How do I write similar configuration flavor in .nvim.lua?

        name = "Development Chrome (:4000)",
        flavor = "development",
        target = "lib/main_development.dart",
        device = "chrome",
        -- how do I pass in args?