akintos / UnrealLocres

UE4 localization resource file tool
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Exporting issue #7

Closed Xinacris closed 2 years ago

Xinacris commented 2 years ago

I got an error for reading out a .locres file as;

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative number required. Parameter name: count at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadBytes(Int32 count) at LocresLib.IO.BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadUnrealString(BinaryReader reader) at LocresLib.LocresFile.Load(Stream stream) at UnrealLocres.Program.ExportAndExit(ExportOptions opt) at UnrealLocres.Program.Main(String[] args)

not sure why is this happening, any help?

Xinacris commented 2 years ago

And probably why is this happening is because game is chinese :')

MalachiMassey commented 2 years ago

I am also having this exact issue, also with a Chinese game. Apart from this issue this seems like one of the best .locres tools available. A quick fix would be greatly appreciated.

akintos commented 2 years ago

Can you please upload the locres file?

MalachiMassey commented 2 years ago


akintos commented 2 years ago

The file is either encrypted or compressed. What game is it?

Xinacris commented 2 years ago

I believe we have the same job, the game's name is Nightmare Breaker, a chinese mmorpg I believe.

akintos commented 2 years ago

Many online games use additional encryption over Unreal Engine's default encryption to protect their assets and prvent cheating. Anyway, I think this is not an issue of this project, closing.