akioweh / EducationPerfected

JS script to automatically answer Education Perfect tasks
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Human Imitation #26

Open suryasingh1 opened 2 years ago

suryasingh1 commented 2 years ago


This isn’t really an issue But i just wanted to recommend it. What you could do is create a advanceder system of not getting caught or flagged by ep. As in basically the delay range stays there but it becomes a how much time is taken to think delay range. And then u can set the typing speed of the bot. It will then calculate how much delay should be put between each letter and individually pastes those letters. This would allow for people to create a long video in an attempt to prove that they did not hack. This is also way too much to ask for so I just wanted to say it as a suggestion.

garv-shah commented 2 years ago

damn, yeah, that's a cool idea, would be nice to implement as the framework for it is already there i'm not too sure how maintained the project is as of now, if either ken or i get inspiration to start working on it again it would be very cool to have on the roadmap, but yeah, probably in the long run/in the case we start working on it again thank u very much for the suggestion!

Susmaster64 commented 2 years ago

i made a little something in python that's similar to what your saying here: (python was the easiest thing to make it in and I'm not good at js)

import time
import random
import win32api, win32con, win32clipboard
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller
import keyboard as kboard
keyboard = Controller()


while kboard.is_pressed('ctrl') == False:


    while 1:



        except Exception:

            print('try again in a sec')

    data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()

    for n in data:

        time.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.1))


requirements: windows, pywin32 installed. pynput installed. Run this while running script.js and semi-auto mode and it will type down whatever is in your clipboard. Press control key to stop, timing is pretty precise, just spam control until it stops (also with thinking delay!)

P.S. it waits 10 secs before it starts to give time for you to open task and press alt+r alt+a

suryasingh1 commented 2 years ago

Is there a way for you to make it work with complete auto. Also the complete auto stopped working today for some reason. The semi auto works but the complete auto doesn’t. Do you know how to tweak the code to fix it.

Susmaster64 commented 2 years ago

if one of the devs can make a version of script+ that copies the text to your clipboard then i can make a better python script that does all the tasks automatically.

I originally had a EP bot that used pytesseract OCR to recognize the text and compare it with the list and that had typing delay but i no longer have to code to that project which is unfortunate

suryasingh1 commented 2 years ago

Lol this is the only issue open, butttt i kinda fixed it yesterday. So I am still obsessed with and like using auto hot key scripts so its all done through that. Basically i run the semi automatic script with script.is but with that i use my ahk scripts. One of them simply has a loop that waits a while, runs script 2 then presses enter. Script 2 pastes your clipboard one letter at a time. If you want me to post both scripts i can do so.

akioweh commented 2 years ago

sounds cool

ummm im not too bothered about faking a real human right now as long as it works... ep wont have a investigations team spying on every user in real time and if I get banned then that's a perfect reason to not do my hw

ok well I'm joking you can always make a fork if you wanna share yours