**input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: file**
modified since it was first processed
**input_line_3:38:10: fatal error: file**
modified since it was first processed
#include <string>
| Welcome to ROOT 6.06/02 http://root.cern.ch |
| (c) 1995-2014, The ROOT Team |
| Built for macosx64 |
| From heads/master@v6-07-02-437-gb06340c, Mar 02 2016, 19:01:57 |
| Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
**input_line_8:1:10: fatal error: file**
modified since it was first processed
#include <iostream>
root [0]
-問題点- ROOT 5.24.00をmacにインストールした状態(正常に起動している)で、 ROOT 6.06.02を追加でインストールしてROOTを起動後、以下のエラーが表示された