Would it be possible to have initialSlide be 1 if the screen is less than 640px wide when the Slider first mounts? slidesToShow will correctly be 1 instead of 3, could we override initialSlide the same way. I want to fix this for both web and mobile. For the first render in the web 4 slides are coming. but when the screen size is below 1024, there are no slides coming in the first render
Would it be possible to have initialSlide be 1 if the screen is less than 640px wide when the Slider first mounts? slidesToShow will correctly be 1 instead of 3, could we override initialSlide the same way. I want to fix this for both web and mobile. For the first render in the web 4 slides are coming. but when the screen size is below 1024, there are no slides coming in the first render