akirk / friends

A social network between WordPresses. Privacy focused, by itself a self-hosted RSS++ reader with notifications.
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Share posts based on category, etc. #305

Open kgourlay opened 3 months ago

kgourlay commented 3 months ago

I would love to have the ability to share posts via friends network only with certain categories. In other words, I would like certain categories to show only on my own blog, but other categories are shared through the network to my friends and ActivityPub followers.

My use case is that I have public news and press releases that are the main thrust of my blog; I’d like those shared widely. But at the same time, I have notes and updates that are only relevant to people visiting my blog site directly, that don’t have any relevance to people on other platforms. It’s not so much that these posts are private or secret, they’re just irrelevant to other folks. It seems reasonable to me to distinguish these kinds of posts based on category (e.g. “News” versus “Note” or something like that), but I could see an argument for making the distinction based on a custom post type or something else as well.

A different use case is that I have posts that are my own original writings; I’d like to share those. I have other posts that are automatically generated via a feed from another location; I’d like to exclude those from being shared to other sites or to ActivityPub, but still show up on my blog.

akirk commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the thought provoking request! I think for your use case the best idea would be to use a plugin to provide a custom post type. You could then use the post type to write things you don't want to share, since the Friends plugin will (currently) only share posts with the post_type post.