akivajgordon / tikkun.io

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Allow highlighting of text to mark areas to focus preparation #70

Open yonikohan opened 4 years ago

yonikohan commented 4 years ago

Hi Akiva, I just keep using this wonderful site and I came up up with an idea. Is it possible to give us the option of making accounts and we can highlight words that we keep getting wrong with different colors? I think this would facilitate our memorization much better and would be a great feature to have on this excellent site.

akivajgordon commented 4 years ago

@yonikohan Thanks for submitting this feature request and for your kind words! This too is one that I have had in the back of my mind, and I think it would be a great addition.

I think there are clever ways of maintaining highlights without an account, which is what I'd like to explore, but it's not off the table.

I've actually explored the highlighting idea a few months ago, and I learned that it was a little more involved than I was hoping for. No promises as to when I could implement this, but I appreciate the feature request, and I will continue to track that in this issue.

Syntactual commented 3 years ago

@akivajgordon I would be happy to implement an auth0 service for account; they allow a large amount of logins for free per month; I might even be able to get them to help you out as far as maybe a discounted service or free. In any case I was wondering if you had an issue I could help with?

akivajgordon commented 3 years ago

@Syntactual – thank you for the offer.

Although I think that there are some advantages for having accounts, I think there aren't enough to warrant the hassle/management of it for right now. I'm trying to keep the app really simple and I think accounts will not fit in that vision.

My views on that are definitely malleable and not set in stone, but I'm not interested in adding it at the moment.