akiyosi / goneovim

A GUI frontend for neovim.
MIT License
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External file browser doesn't work as expected #71

Open smolck opened 4 years ago

smolck commented 4 years ago

Currently, when I execute :GonvimFilerOpen, nothing is shown in the file explorer, my statusline disappears, and I can't type in the currently open file until I press <Esc>:


EDIT: In the photo above, notice how there is no top or bottom statusline (it's just blank at the top and bottom), and that the file explorer is empty. Normally, without the file explorer open, GoNeovim looks like this:


akiyosi commented 4 years ago

Probably in conflict with other plugins (maybe lightline?). I implemented the external filer with vimscript, but it seems to be bad.

Is it possible to check if the filer is displayed with goneovim -u NONE ?

smolck commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to check if the filer is displayed with goneovim -u NONE ?

Yes; but same problems still occur, so I don't think it's a plugin conflict. I have noticed that the currently open file's text does show, so I was wrong there, but other than that the problems are still as I said above.

Also, I have noticed that GoNeovim crashes if I press l (lowercase L) with the filer open.

I implemented the external filer with vimscript, but it seems to be bad.

Maybe switching over to Lua could help; if nothing else it will probably be quite a bit faster than Vimscript.

akiyosi commented 4 years ago

thx. This problem cannot be reproduced in my environment. Tell me more about your environment.

Maybe switching over to Lua could help; if nothing else it will probably be quite a bit faster than Vimscript.

I see. I wanted to make it work with remote attachments, so I implemented it with vim script. Certainly, the implementation with lua can be expected to be even faster.

smolck commented 4 years ago
  • your OS

Arch Linux

  • nvim version

NVIM v0.5.0-137-g93626b8af (latest neovim-nightly from AUR)

  • the content of ~/.goneovim/setting.toml
# ExtMessages = true
ExtPopupmenu = true
ExtTabline = false
ExtCmdline = true
FontFamily = "Iosevka Extrabold"
FontSize = 12

PathStyle = "minimum"

# [Statusline]
# Visible = true
  • minimal init.vim to reproduce the probrem

It happens if I have no init.vim at all, so with it temporarily renamed to in.vim (so it isn't loaded by Neovim) the problems still occur.

smolck commented 4 years ago

I see. I wanted to make it work with remote attachments, so I implemented it with vim script. Certainly, the implementation with lua can be expected to be even faster.

I'm not really sure if that's a necessary change though, now that I think about it. It seems it could be something else, since the filer opens. The main problem is that it doesn't show anything inside of it, and I'm not sure if that's Vimscript's fault.

Is there a way to run GoNeovim with an older version of Neovim? E.g. goneovim --nvim /path/to/nvim or something? I wonder if the problems are due to my using the latest Neovim nightly.

akiyosi commented 4 years ago

I got your environmental information, so this weekend I will prepare a VM with the same environment and check it out

Is there a way to run GoNeovim with an older version of Neovim? E.g. goneovim --nvim /path/to/nvim or something? I wonder if the problems are due to my using the latest Neovim nightly.

Currently, goneovim cannot specify a backend nvim. The --nvim option is a good idea. I will add that option by the next release.

smolck commented 4 years ago

With the https://github.com/akiyosi/goneovim/tree/filer-lua branch, the filer works, but it appears cut off, and also my statusbar does not show:


famiu commented 4 years ago

I'm also facing this issue, a fix would be appreciated

akiyosi commented 4 years ago

@Famiu Hi Sorry, it actually doesn't work well with nvim v0.5.0 at the moment. I will fix it in the next release.

pierreglaser commented 4 years ago

Hi, for the record, I'm also experiencing this.