akkadotnet / Akka.Persistence.MongoDB

MongoDB support for Akka.Persistence
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 36 forks source link

Update RELEASE_NOTES.md for release #356

Closed Arkatufus closed 12 months ago

Arkatufus commented 12 months ago


need #355 to be merged in first September 18 2023

Breaking Behavior Change

In this version, we're turning transaction on by default. If you're more concerned with database write and read performance compared to data consistency and correctness, you can move back to the old behavior by setting this flag in the HOCON configuration:

akka.persistence.journal.mongodb.use-write-transaction = off
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.mongodb.use-write-transaction = off

Or by setting them inside the hosting options:

var journalOptions = new MongoDbJournalOptions(true) 
        UseWriteTransaction = false
var snapshotOptions = new MongoDbSnapshotOptions(true)
        UseWriteTransaction = false