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Kafka - assignedPartitions is null for ConsumerStage when using TopicPartitionOffset #44

Closed thedavejay closed 4 years ago

thedavejay commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I am using the producer for the examples and the same code for the consumer except for 1 difference.

Instead of using Subscriptions.Topics("testtopic"), I am using Subscriptions.AssignmentWithOffset(new TopicPartitionOffset("testtopic", 0, Offset.Beginning));

This all works ok until the buffer is reached and the following code in ConsumerStage throws a an argument null exception as the assignedPartitions is null:

 private void PullQueue()

            if (!isPaused && _buffer.Count > _settings.BufferSize)
                Log.Debug($"Polling paused, buffer is full");
                _consumer.Pause(assignedPartitions);   // BREAKING CODE
                isPaused = true;

When I use the following code :

 static void Main(string[] args)
            Config fallbackConfig = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@"
                    akka.loglevel = DEBUG
                ").WithFallback(ConfigurationFactory.FromResource<ConsumerSettings<object, object>>("Akka.Streams.Kafka.reference.conf"));

            var system = ActorSystem.Create("TestKafkaConsumer", fallbackConfig);
            var materializer = system.Materializer();

            var consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings<Null, string>.Create(system, null, new StringDeserializer(Encoding.UTF8))

            //var subscription = Subscriptions.Topics("testtopic");

            var subscription = Subscriptions.AssignmentWithOffset(new TopicPartitionOffset("testtopic", 0, Offset.Beginning));

            var source = Consumer.PlainSource(consumerSettings, subscription);

            source.Throttle(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 5, ThrottleMode.Shaping)
                    result =>
                            $"Consumer: {result.Topic}/{result.Partition} {result.Offset}: {result.Value}");
                    }, materializer);


I'm not a Kafka expert and couldn't tell how I could fix this. It seems to be similar to this issue:


thedavejay commented 5 years ago

From what I can tell, it may be better to use _consumer.Assignment to get the assigned partitions that relying on the local variable that gets populated from the OnPartitionAssigned events?


AndreSteenbergen commented 5 years ago

I'll check, to my knowledge the assignedpartitions event is only raised when a subscription is used, and when rebalancing accoured. So I guess you have a point. I'll check in a debug session.

AndreSteenbergen commented 5 years ago

Just to be sure, I changed this code into: _assignedPartitions ?? _consumer.Assignment I added this into my already existing PR.

thedavejay commented 5 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to reply. Thanks for that!

Arkatufus commented 4 years ago

Akka.Streams.Kafka have been moved out of Alpakka into its own Github repo. Closing this issue. Please re-open them in https://github.com/akkadotnet/Akka.Streams.Kafka if you're still having this problem.