akkartik / mu

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SubX in SubX: Transforming uses of string literals (prerequisite A) #26

Closed akkartik closed 5 years ago

akkartik commented 5 years ago

One of two primitives remaining to be built in dquotes.subx.

For more context, see the parent branch.

akkartik commented 5 years ago

@charles-l The segfault in this branch should now be fixed. Can you confirm?

akkartik commented 5 years ago

I've gotten dquotes.subx to some sort of milestone and am going to merge the existing PRs. We have a design problem, and all these branches and PRs now seem like a hindrance. Let's get to a clean working state on master and confirm that the old segfaults are all gone. Then we need to come up with a new design.

The design problem is outlined in this commit message: https://github.com/akkartik/mu/pull/26/commits/438e5a0db04d7a6e1a7199771cca16720c0b4b8d