aklaiber / activepayment

Abstractionlayer for Payment-Interfaces
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trying to do recurring payments #3

Closed aurels closed 12 years ago

aurels commented 12 years ago


Thanks for pointing me to activepayment which I could try without any problems (thanks to the specs!) on a live transaction. I don't know why the test gateway doesn't work (maybe you have a clue about that).

I'm trying to figure out how to do recurring billings (where credit card informations would be stored at WC). I understand the concept of authorize/capture for a one time payment. But do you think it's possible to authorize one time and then capture say each month ? Maybe it is related to those two methods : enrollment_check and enrollment_check_request ?

Do you have any WC docs about that ? What did you use to build the gem ? I can't find any docs on the Web about WC integration at all.

Thank you again for any information,


aurels commented 12 years ago

I've found more info from a WC PDF lost in my mailbox :

A recurring transaction describes a payment where the cardholder‟s account is periodically charged for a repeated delivery and use of a product or service (subscription, membership fee, etc.) over time. It consists of an initial request (which is identical in form and content to a single request) and one or several repeated transaction request messages.

Absolutely what I need :-)

The “initial” request message (which in most cases is an preauthorization) contains all relevant card and cardholder data. All subsequent “repeated” message (which can be another Preauthorization, or a Capture or a Purchase) simply references an identifier (the Global Unique Wirecard ID) which is returned with the response message to the initial request.

If I understand well :

Am I right ?

Digging deeper, I find that transactions actually accept a RECURRING_ TRANSACTION parameter :

This is a collection of recurring information. Please refer to Recurring Transaction for details.

Do you have any idea of what to pass to this paramater as a valid value ?

aklaiber commented 12 years ago

Sorry i never used wirecard for recurring payments. Feel free to update the code :-)

I have added the last wirecard specification in the Doc folder.

aklaiber commented 12 years ago

Which spec failed exactly?

aklaiber commented 12 years ago

The enrollment_check method is for 3D-Secure Payment.

aurels commented 12 years ago

Yes I'll try, I think I just need a way to pass additional params to authorize calls. No spec failed, I said "thanks to the specs!" because they helped me to discover how to use the lib ;-)

What access credentials do you use to connect the test gateway ?

It fails with those :

ActivePayment::Wirecard::Gateway.config = {
  :login            => '56500',
  :password         => 'TestXAPTER',
  :signature        => '56500',
  :mode             => 'test'
aklaiber commented 12 years ago

my config : https://gist.github.com/3181993

aurels commented 12 years ago

Yey that works thanks. I have to ask them to access the test admin panel now...