Open Neo914 opened 4 months ago
For information I use the EMC Unity REST-API v3 template
zabbix_export: version: '6.0' date: '2024-07-09T13:02:02Z' groups:
uuid: 482e80466d694a7e9dffcf708d029e2f template: 'EMC Unity REST-API v3' name: 'EMC Unity REST-API v3' description: |
Tested on Unity 600
Python-script to get metrics from EMC Unity Storage. Script uses REST-API interface.
This script get next metrics:
BBU, Disk, Disk Array Enclosure, Disk Processor Enclosure, FAN, I/O Module, LCC, Lun, Memory Module, Pool, PortEth, PortFibreChannel, PortSAS, PSU, SSC, SSD, Storage Processors, Uncommitted Port.
and the script
import os import time import argparse import sys import json import subprocess import logging import logging.handlers import requests import urllib3
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)
LOG_FILENAME = "/tmp/unity_state.log" unity_logger = logging.getLogger("unity_logger") unity_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
unity_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=1024*1024, backupCount=5) unity_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
def api_connect(api_user, api_password, api_ip, api_port): api_login_url = "https://{0}:{1}/api/types/loginSessionInfo".format(api_ip, api_port) session_unity = requests.Session() session_unity.auth = (api_user, api_password) session_unity.headers = {'X-EMC-REST-CLIENT': 'true', 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
login = session_unity.get(api_login_url, verify=False)
except Exception as oops:
unity_logger.error("Connection Error Occurs: {0}".format(oops))
if login.status_code != 200:
unity_logger.error("Connection Return Code = {0}".format(login.status_code))
elif login.text.find("isPasswordChangeRequired") >= 0: # If i can find string "isPasswordChangeRequired" therefore login is successful"Connection established")
return session_unity
unity_logger.error("Login Something went wrong")
def api_logout(api_ip, session_unity): api_logout_url = "https://{0}/api/types/loginSessionInfo/action/logout".format(api_ip) session_unity.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
logout =, verify=False)
except Exception as oops:
unity_logger.error("Logout Error Occurs: {0}".format(oops))
if logout.status_code != 200:
unity_logger.error("Logout status = {0}".format(logout.status_code))
elif logout.text.find("Logout successful") >= 0:"Logout successful")
unity_logger.error("Logout Something went wrong")
def convert_to_zabbix_json(data): output = json.dumps({"data": data}, indent = None, separators = (',',': ')) return output
def send_data_to_zabbix(zabbix_data, storage_name): sender_command = "/usr/bin/zabbix_sender" config_path = "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf" time_of_create_file = int(time.time()) tempfile = "/tmp/{0}{1}.tmp".format(storage_name, time_of_create_file)
with open(temp_file, "w") as f:
send_code =[sender_command, "-vv", "-c", config_path, "-s", storage_name, "-T", "-i", temp_file], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
return send_code
def discovering_resources(api_user, api_password, api_ip, api_port, storage_name, list_resources): api_session = api_connect(api_user, api_password, api_ip, api_port)
xer = []
for resource in list_resources:
resource_url = "https://{0}:{1}/api/types/{2}/instances?fields=name".format(api_ip, api_port, resource)
resource_info = api_session.get(resource_url, verify=False)
resource_info = json.loads(resource_info.content.decode('utf8'))
discovered_resource = []
for one_object in resource_info['entries']:
if ['lun', 'pool'].count(resource) == 1:
one_object_list = {}
one_object_list["{#ID}"] = one_object['content']['id']
one_object_list["{#NAME}"] = one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_')
one_object_list = {}
one_object_list["{#ID}"] = one_object['content']['id']
converted_resource = convert_to_zabbix_json(discovered_resource)
timestampnow = int(time.time())
xer.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, resource, timestampnow, converted_resource))
except Exception as oops:
unity_logger.error("Error occurs in discovering")
api_session_logout = api_logout(api_ip, api_session)
return send_data_to_zabbix(xer, storage_name)
def get_status_resources(api_user, api_password, api_ip, api_port, storage_name, list_resources): api_session = api_connect(api_user, api_password, api_ip, api_port)
state_resources = [] # This list will persist state of resources (pool, lun, fcPort, battery, diks, ...) on zabbix format
for resource in list_resources:
# Create different URI for different resources
if ['pool'].count(resource) == 1:
resource_url = "https://{0}:{1}/api/types/{2}/instances?fields=name,health,sizeTotal,sizeUsed,sizeSubscribed".format(api_ip, api_port, resource)
elif ['lun'].count(resource) == 1:
resource_url = "https://{0}:{1}/api/types/{2}/instances?fields=name,health,sizeTotal,sizeAllocated".format(api_ip, api_port, resource)
resource_url = "https://{0}:{1}/api/types/{2}/instances?fields=name,health,needsReplacement".format(api_ip, api_port, resource)
# Get info about one resource
resource_info = api_session.get(resource_url, verify=False)
resource_info = json.loads(resource_info.content.decode('utf8'))
timestampnow = int(time.time())
if ['ethernetPort', 'fcPort', 'sasPort'].count(resource) == 1:
for one_object in resource_info['entries']:
key_health = "health.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['id'].replace(' ', '_'))
key_status = "link.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['id'].replace(' ', '_'))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_health, timestampnow, one_object['content']['health']['value']))
# Get state of interfaces from description
descriptionIds = str(one_object['content']['health']['descriptionIds'][0]) # Convert description to string
if descriptionIds.find("LINK_UP") >= 0: # From description i can known, link is up or link is down
link_status = 10
elif descriptionIds.find("LINK_DOWN") >=0:
link_status = 11
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_status, timestampnow, link_status))
elif ['lun'].count(resource) == 1:
for one_object in resource_info['entries']:
key_health = "health.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_')) # Use lun name instead lun id on zabbix key
key_sizeTotal = "sizeTotal.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_'))
key_sizeAllocated = "sizeAllocated.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_'))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_health, timestampnow, one_object['content']['health']['value']))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_sizeTotal, timestampnow, one_object['content']['sizeTotal']))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_sizeAllocated, timestampnow, one_object['content']['sizeAllocated']))
elif ['pool'].count(resource) == 1:
for one_object in resource_info['entries']:
key_health = "health.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_')) # Use pull name instead lun id on zabbix key
key_sizeUsedBytes = "sizeUsedBytes.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_'))
key_sizeTotalBytes = "sizeTotalBytes.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_'))
key_sizeSubscribedBytes = "sizeSubscribedBytes.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['name'].replace(' ', '_'))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_health, timestampnow, one_object['content']['health']['value']))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_sizeUsedBytes, timestampnow, one_object['content']['sizeUsed']))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_sizeTotalBytes, timestampnow, one_object['content']['sizeTotal']))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_sizeSubscribedBytes, timestampnow, one_object['content']['sizeSubscribed']))
for one_object in resource_info['entries']:
# Get state of resources from description
descriptionIds = str(one_object['content']['health']['descriptionIds'][0]) # Convert description to string
if descriptionIds.find("ALRT_COMPONENT_OK") >= 0:
running_status = 8
elif descriptionIds.find("ALRT_DISK_SLOT_EMPTY") >= 0:
running_status = 6
running_status = 5
key_health = "health.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['id'].replace(' ', '_'))
key_status = "running.{0}.[{1}]".format(resource, one_object['content']['id'].replace(' ', '_'))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_health, timestampnow, one_object['content']['health']['value']))
state_resources.append("%s %s %s %s" % (storage_name, key_status, timestampnow, running_status))
except Exception as oops:
unity_logger.error("Error occured in get state")
api_session_logout = api_logout(api_ip, api_session)
return send_data_to_zabbix(state_resources, storage_name)
def main():
unity_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
unity_parser.add_argument('--api_ip', action="store", help="Where to connect", required=True)
unity_parser.add_argument('--api_port', action="store", required=True)
unity_parser.add_argument('--api_user', action="store", required=True)
unity_parser.add_argument('--api_password', action="store", required=True)
unity_parser.add_argument('--storage_name', action="store", required=True)
group = unity_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--discovery', action ='store_true')
group.add_argument('--status', action='store_true')
arguments = unity_parser.parse_args()
list_resources = ['battery','ssd','ethernetPort','fcPort','sasPort','fan','powerSupply','storageProcessor','lun','pool','dae','dpe','ioModule','lcc','memoryModule','ssc','uncommittedPort','disk']
if arguments.discovery:
result_discovery = discovering_resources(arguments.api_user, arguments.api_password, arguments.api_ip, arguments.api_port, arguments.storage_name, list_resources)
print (result_discovery)
elif arguments.status:
result_status = get_status_resources(arguments.api_user, arguments.api_password, arguments.api_ip, arguments.api_port, arguments.storage_name, list_resources)
print (result_status)
if name == "main": main()
Hello, I have been able to evolve a little on my work and I complete the information. I manage to recover data of this type:
2024-07-11 09:26:02,489 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=health.memoryModule.[spb_mm_2], timestamp=1720682760, value=5 2024-07-11 09:26:02,496 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,496 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=running.memoryModule.[spb_mm_2], timestamp=1720682760, value=8 2024-07-11 09:26:02,502 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,502 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=health.memoryModule.[spb_mm_3], timestamp=1720682760, value=5 2024-07-11 09:26:02,508 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,508 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=running.memoryModule.[spb_mm_3], timestamp=1720682760, value=8 2024-07-11 09:26:02,513 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,514 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=health.disk.[dae_1_0_disk_0], timestamp=1720682761, value=5 2024-07-11 09:26:02,519 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,519 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=running.disk.[dae_1_0_disk_0], timestamp=1720682761, value=8 2024-07-11 09:26:02,525 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,525 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=health.disk.[dae_1_0_disk_1], timestamp=1720682761, value=5 2024-07-11 09:26:02,530 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,530 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=running.disk.[dae_1_0_disk_1], timestamp=1720682761, value=8 2024-07-11 09:26:02,536 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,537 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=health.disk.[dae_1_0_disk_2], timestamp=1720682761, value=5 2024-07-11 09:26:02,543 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Zabbix sender return code: 2 2024-07-11 09:26:02,543 - unity_logger - DEBUG - Sending to Zabbix: host=DellEMC_unity_rgi1, key=running.disk.[dae_1_0_disk_2], timestamp=1720682761, value=8
But sending to zabbix I don't have to report data because I have a return code:2
Here is an example of a Discovry Rule
And Item prototype
Can you please help me to report the data value of each element discovered in Zabbix?
Issue Resolved
Hello I have a problem of the same type I have a Zabbix server proxy and a Zabbix main server, the latter monitoring the Zabbix proxy. From the Zabbix proxy I have the Python script that is run to explore my Dell Unity and upload all the discovery elements in my Zabbix but I have a problem to remount the elements in Zabbix HMI.
root@deb:/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts# python3 --api_ip ... --api_port 443 --api_user ** --api_password * --storage_name DellEMC_unity --discovery 1 root@deb:/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts# python3 --api_ip ...* --api_port 443 --api_user --api_password ***** --storage_name DellEMC_unity --status 1 root@deb:/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts#
in the log unity_state.log I don't have an error
2024-07-09 11:41:07,751 - unity_logger - INFO - Connection established 2024-07-09 11:41:12,247 - unity_logger - INFO - Logout successful 2024-07-09 11:41:35,916 - unity_logger - INFO - Connection established 2024-07-09 11:41:40,324 - unity_logger - INFO - Logout successful 2024-07-09 11:41:50,849 - unity_logger - INFO - Connection established 2024-07-09 11:41:55,705 - unity_logger - INFO - Logout successful
on the other hand when I do the tests manually
root@deb:/usr/bin# zabbix_sender -z server_zabbix -p 10051 -s "DellEMC_unity" -k "health.disk.[{#ID}] " -o 4 -vv zabbix_sender [4022880]: DEBUG: In connect_to_server() [server_zabbix]:10051 [timeout:60, connection timeout:3] zabbix_sender [4022880]: DEBUG: In is_ip4() ip:'...**' zabbix_sender [4022880]: DEBUG: End of is_ip4():SUCCEED zabbix_sender [4022880]: DEBUG: answer [{"response":"success","info":"processed: 0; failed: 1; total: 1; seconds spent: 0.000019"}] Response from "server_zabbix:10051": "processed: 0; failed: 1; total: 1; seconds spent: 0.000019" sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1 root@deb:/usr/bin#
Can you help me figure out what's wrong?