akmalhen / FirstProjectGame

game Tebak Gambar dengan bahasa pemrograman C,.
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Guess The Word #1

Open akmalhen opened 11 months ago

akmalhen commented 11 months ago







define MAX_TRIES 6


define NUM_ANIMALS 30

typedef struct { char word[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; char guessedWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; char guessedLetters[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; int wordLength; int tries; int correctGuess; } GuessTheWord;

void initializeGame(GuessTheWord game, int mode); void displayWord(const char word[], int length); void displayPlayer(int attempts); void displayPlayer(int attempts); void makeGuess(GuessTheWord game, char guess); void Singleplayer(); void Multiplayer(); void exitmode(); void greetings(); void menu(); void menuSP(); void menuMP();

int main() { int choice; greetings(); sleep(2); system("clear");

do {
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice); getchar(); 

    switch (choice) {
        case 1:
            menuSP();printf("enter to continue...");getchar();
        case 2:
            menuMP();printf("enter to continue...");getchar();
        case 3:
            printf("Exiting the game...\n");
            printf("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid option.\n");
            printf("\nenter to continue...");

} while (choice != 3);

return 0;


void initializeGame(GuessTheWord *game, int mode) { if (mode == 1) { char animals[NUM_ANIMALS][MAX_WORD_LENGTH] = { "elephant", "tiger", "giraffe", "lion", "zebra", "koala", "panda", "kangaroo", "dolphin", "fish", "octopus", "orangutan", "parrot", "cheetah", "camel", "otter", "gorrila", "monkey", "rhinoceros", "hippopotamus", "crocodile", "penguin", "leopard", "bison", "jaguar", "armadillo" }; srand(time(NULL)); int index = rand() % NUM_ANIMALS;

    strcpy(game->word, animals[index]);
    game->wordLength = strlen(game->word);
    game->tries = 0;
    game->correctGuess = 0;
    memset(game->guessedWord, '_', game->wordLength);
    game->guessedWord[game->wordLength] = '\0';
    game->guessedLetters[0] = '\0';
} else if (mode == 2) {
    printf("Enter the word to be guessed (secret!): ");
    fgets(game->word, MAX_WORD_LENGTH, stdin);
    game->word[strcspn(game->word, "\n")] = '\0';

    while (strlen(game->word) < 1) {
        printf("Please enter at least one character.\n");
        printf("\nEnter the word to be guessed (secret!): ");
        fgets(game->word, MAX_WORD_LENGTH, stdin);
        game->word[strcspn(game->word, "\n")] = '\0';

    game->wordLength = strlen(game->word);
    game->tries = 0;
    game->correctGuess = 0;

    memset(game->guessedWord, '_', game->wordLength);
    game->guessedWord[game->wordLength] = '\0'; 


void displayWord(const char word[], int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { printf("%c ", word[i]); } printf("\n"); }

void displayPlayer(int attempts) { if (attempts > 0) { printf("Attempts Left: "); for (int i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { printf("♡ "); } printf("\n"); } }

void makeGuess(GuessTheWord *game, char guess) { system("clear"); int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < game->wordLength; i++) { if (tolower(game->word[i]) == guess) { if (game->guessedWord[i] == '_') { game->guessedWord[i] = game->word[i]; game->correctGuess++; found = 1;

            int len = strlen(game->guessedLetters);
            game->guessedLetters[len] = guess;
            game->guessedLetters[len + 1] = '\0';
        } else {
            found = 1; 

if (!found) {


void Singleplayer() { int playAgain; do { GuessTheWord game; initializeGame(&game, 1); char guess; char input[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];

    while (game.tries < MAX_TRIES && game.correctGuess < game.wordLength) {
        displayWord(game.guessedWord, game.wordLength);
        displayPlayer(MAX_TRIES - game.tries);

        if (game.correctGuess == game.wordLength) {

        printf("Enter a letter guess: ");
        fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

        if (strlen(input) > 2 || input[0] == '\n') {
            printf("Please enter only one letter at a time.\n");
            printf("Press enter to continue...\n");
            while(getchar() != '\n');
        } else {
            guess = tolower(input[0]);

            if (isspace(input[1]) || input[1] == '\n' || input[1] == '\0') {
                makeGuess(&game, guess);
            } else {
                printf("Please enter only one letter at a time.\n");
                printf("Press enter to continue...\n");
                while(getchar() != '\n');


    displayWord(game.guessedWord, game.wordLength);
    displayPlayer(MAX_TRIES - game.tries);

    if (game.correctGuess == game.wordLength) {
        printf("\nCongratulations! You guessed the word: %s\n", game.word);
    } else {
        printf("\nSorry, you couldn't guess the word: %s\n", game.word);

    printf("\nPlay again? (1 for Yes / 0 for No): ");
    while (scanf("%d", &playAgain) != 1 || (playAgain != 0 && playAgain != 1)) {
        printf("Invalid input. Please enter 1 for Yes or 0 for No: ");
        while (getchar() != '\n');


} while (playAgain == 1);


void Multiplayer() { int playAgain ; do { GuessTheWord game; initializeGame(&game, 2);

    while (game.tries < MAX_TRIES && game.correctGuess < game.wordLength) {
        displayWord(game.guessedWord, game.wordLength);
        displayPlayer(MAX_TRIES - game.tries);

        printf("Enter a letter guess: ");
        char input[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
        fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

        if (strlen(input) > 2 || input[0] == '\n') {
            printf("Please enter only one letter at a time.\n");
            printf("Press enter to continue...\n");
            while (getchar() != '\n');
        } else {
            char guess = tolower(input[0]);

            if (isspace(input[1]) || input[1] == '\n' || input[1] == '\0') {
                makeGuess(&game, guess);
            } else {
                printf("Please enter only one letter at a time.\n");
                printf("Press enter to continue...\n");
                while (getchar() != '\n');


    displayWord(game.guessedWord, game.wordLength);
    displayPlayer(MAX_TRIES - game.tries);

    if (game.correctGuess == game.wordLength) {
        printf("\nCongratulations! You guessed the word: %s\n", game.word);
    } else {
        printf("\nSorry, you couldn't guess the word: %s\n", game.word);

    printf("\nDo you want to play again? (1 for Yes / 0 for No): ");
    while (scanf("%d", &playAgain) != 1 || (playAgain != 0 && playAgain != 1)) {
        printf("Invalid input. Please enter 1 for Yes or 0 for No: ");
        while (getchar() != '\n');


} while (playAgain == 1);


void exitmode() { system("clear"); printf("\n"); printf("###### ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## \n"); printf(" ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## \n"); printf(" ## ###### ###### ## ### ##### ## ## ## ## ## \n"); printf(" ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ###\n"); printf(" ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ### ### ###\n");

} void greetings(){ system("clear"); printf("\n"); printf("## ## ###### ## ## #### \n"); printf("## ## ## ## ## ## ## \n"); printf("###### #### ## ## ## ## \n"); printf("## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##\n"); printf("## ## ###### ###### ###### #### ## ## ##\n"); printf("\n hello... Welcome to GUESS THE WORD game...\n");

} void menu() { char underscore = ''; system("clear"); printf("||=================================={INSTRUCTIONS}=================================|| \n"); printf("|| 1. The game consists of two modes: singleplayer and multiplayer || \n"); printf("|| 2. select an option on the \"choose\" menu to choose a playing method || \n"); printf("|| 3. Try to guess the words that appear by guessing one letter for each guess. || \n"); printf("|| 4. The available trial limit is 6 times. || \n"); printf("|| 5. The \"\" sign can consist of numbers, letters, characters and spaces. || \n"); printf("|| 6. Uppercase and lowercase letters are the same || \n"); printf("|| 7. If you guess all the words, you win! || \n"); printf("|| 7. good luck !!! || \n"); printf("||=================================={ CHOOSE }=================================|| \n"); printf("|| 1. SINGLEPLAYER || 2. MULTIPLAYER || 3. QUIT || \n"); printf("||=================================================================================|| \n"); printf("\n"); } void menuSP() { system("clear"); char underscore = ''; printf("||==================================={INSTRUCTIONS}==================================|| \n"); printf("|| 1. The theme of this game is guess the name of the animal || \n"); printf("|| 2. Numbers entered twice will be wrong || \n"); printf("|| 3. Uppercase and lowercase letters are the same || \n"); printf("|| 4. Try to guess the words that appear by guessing one letter for each guess. || \n"); printf("|| 5. The available trial limit is 6 times. || \n"); printf("|| 6. The \"\" sign can consist of numbers, letters, characters and spaces. || \n"); printf("|| 7. When finished, select enter to return to the menu and '1' to continue the game || \n"); printf("|| 8. If you guess all the words, you win! || \n"); printf("|| 9. good luck !!! || \n"); printf("||===================================================================================|| \n"); printf("\n"); } void menuMP() { system("clear"); char underscore = ''; printf("||==================================={INSTRUCTIONS}==================================|| \n"); printf("|| 1. The keywords that will be guessed are filled in by other players || \n"); printf("|| 2. Numbers entered twice will be wrong || \n"); printf("|| 3. Uppercase and lowercase letters are the same || \n"); printf("|| 4. Try to guess the words that appear by guessing one letter for each guess. || \n"); printf("|| 5. The available trial limit is 6 times. || \n"); printf("|| 6. The \"\" sign can consist of numbers, letters, characters and spaces. || \n"); printf("|| 7. When finished, select '0' to return to the menu and '1' to continue the game || \n"); printf("|| 8. If you guess all the words, you win! || \n"); printf("|| 9. good luck !!! || \n"); printf("||===================================================================================|| \n"); printf("\n"); }