akorkovelos / agrodem

agrodem - a GIS based model on water and electricity requirements for ground and/or surface water irrigation.
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Resolution of ground water depth #11

Closed akorkovelos closed 4 years ago

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

Depth to groundwater map currently retrieved from here. Is this the resolution we want to use it with?

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

New layer of water table identified from this source. The layer is available in 1km spatial resolution and is available at KTH servers as a netcdf file. At the moment no time series is available but 01-01-1970. Source available here. Note that data have been acquired from personal contact with the authors.

ngbaruah commented 5 years ago

Another source by the BGS (but maybe more coarser than 1km): (1) https://www.bgs.ac.uk/research/groundwater/international/africanGroundwater/mapsDownload.html (2) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/7/2/024009