akorkovelos / agrodem

agrodem - a GIS based model on water and electricity requirements for ground and/or surface water irrigation.
MIT License
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Testing repos replicability #48

Closed akorkovelos closed 4 years ago

akorkovelos commented 4 years ago

The repository shall be tested for its replicability/reproducibility; all code uploaded has been tested so far, yet an overall start-to-finish test needs to be undertakes for a small case study.

akorkovelos commented 4 years ago

Some ideas here might include:

akorkovelos commented 4 years ago

@oluchee any update re this?

oluchee commented 4 years ago

on it..would push to this branch before the end of today. For the parameterization, using papermill, there is a disadvantage tho...it does not behave intuitively with inter-dependent parameters

akorkovelos commented 4 years ago

Updates have been tested and merged with the master branch as per commit 1e6f892f600b6236242a41ab1c960ccad6c6e69f.