akosbalasko / zoottelkeeper-obsidian-plugin

Obsidian plugin of Zoottelkeeper: An automated folder-level index file generator and maintainer.
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Uninstalling tutorial #98

Open pixeljammed opened 4 months ago

pixeljammed commented 4 months ago


If you are on mac/linux, run this in your vault folder in terminal: find . -maxdepth 100 -type f -name '_Index_of_*.md' -delete

Windows (untested) for /f "delims=" %i in ('dir /s /b /a-d "*index of*"') do del "%i"

If you are retarded like me and decided to name your files the same name as their folder for Folder Note plugin integration, run this (mac only) find /path/to/search -type f -name "*.md" -exec grep -l "Zoot" {} + | xargs -I {} mv {} /path/to/destination

Replace the paths accordingly incase you accidentally fuck it up!

gitscosh commented 3 months ago

Have you found an alternative plugin that's up to date? I really like how it automatically adds and updates index files to folders so that it maps out nicely in graph view. That's the only functionality I use it for.

pixeljammed commented 1 month ago

i think you could try searching for some updated / graph related plugins, people have made those and they might have a "show folder connections" option. havent looked myself but would be interested so please let me you if you find something =)