akoscz / YouTubePlaylist

A sample Android application which demonstrates the use of the YouTube Data v3 API.
Apache License 2.0
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How to put a ProgressBar in uploading videos? #22

Closed mauricioedu closed 7 years ago

mauricioedu commented 7 years ago

I want it to show a ProgressBar loading and when it loads it disappears

akoscz commented 7 years ago

What do you mean? There's no uploading happening in this app. Video metadata is being downloaded from YouTube and displayed in a RecyclerView. If you take a look closely at the code you will see how it works. Video metadata is downloaded in pages according to the YouTube Data API v3. The number of items to include in the resulting page is configurable in GetPlaylistAsyncTask.java as YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_MAX_RESULTS. See documentation on how to use the YouTbue Data v3 API here https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/playlistItems/list