akoscz / YouTubePlaylist

A sample Android application which demonstrates the use of the YouTube Data v3 API.
Apache License 2.0
153 stars 84 forks source link

Get Channel Name as Well #24

Open SopMar opened 7 years ago

SopMar commented 7 years ago

Great code. Amazing work. Decent Sharing.

I have a playlist in which I do have around 100 of Videos, and all the Videos belongs to the different - different Channels, What code we need to write If we want to fetch name of Channel as well and if possible so Channel Image too... (otherwise Channel name is enough for now).

Here is the Playlist URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkcOr7MC8c9fb6N38SPb7QDaBHadIbbbi

Thanks. I hope you already done this kind of work in past. Please update and share required code with us.

akoscz commented 1 month ago

I'm building https://github.com/akoscz/YouTubeChannels to deal with Channels. YoutubePlaylist project will not have Channels support.