akrenner / NOAA-LCI

Mostly R code to process and visualize oceanographic, meteorological, biological, and ecological data from Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet.
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Alignment of observed depth and bathymetry #2

Open akrenner opened 2 years ago

akrenner commented 2 years ago

Troubleshoot station names and coordinates. Especially apparent in AlongBay. Also T3 2013-winter. Any time, CTD data goes beyond the surveyed depth (e.g. T9 2012-05, 207-03, 2018-06 and 2018-08), position is NOT what it claims to be and has to be corrected!

akrenner commented 2 years ago

bathymetry mismatch:

T4: looks correct (and is asymmetric) T7: correct and asymmetric T9: N-S reversed?? CTD-casts largely ok, but bathymetry profile looks odd(ish) 2012-05-31 -- bad positions? center looks like ends and vs versa 2013-12-01 -- bad positions! 2014-01-01 -- merge with 2013?? similar mess 2018-06-22 -- bad positions!! 2018-08-23 -- bad positions!! 2019-11 -- bad positions T6: looks good (asymmetric) T3: ok. 2013-winter-08 (should call month, not season!): bad position AlongBay: major discrepancy throughout -- why?? CTD casts match nominal waterdepth

akrenner commented 2 years ago

Investigation of 2018-06-22 T9

notebook: positions and depth match nominal positions and depth (1-2) 1 -> next: plot transect with stations marked (are casts labled correctly) 2 -> map marking stations

akrenner commented 2 years ago

Now forcing all positions to nominal station positions -- fixing above discrepancies. Fixed in commit a6a3fc47fe66145436da83367ac27e183f740f34

akrenner commented 2 years ago

along-bay still has issues

akrenner commented 2 years ago

Fixed alongbay in commit 3d8b5698e5b544d88f54ccd470640cd256a03c9e Still need to check: T3- 2013-winter. T4 2013-02-12 (CTD impossibly deep). T6 2013-winter-06 (westernmost CTD too deep) T7 2013-spring-20 (easternmost too deep) T9 2012-05-31 (northern and southernmost too deep -- still double-transect issues?) T9 2017-03-28 (northernmost too deep) T9 2017-11-08 (northern and southernmost too deep) T9 2019-11-16 (southern-most too deep, central too shallow -- mixup?) AlongBay 2014-05-28 -- out of alignment AlongBay 2017-11-05 40 km too deep === AlongBay is much better, but still has minor issues.

akrenner commented 1 year ago

This seems to have been resolved, at least in Wall. Could/should still add bathymetry trace to individual section plots.