akrennmair / newsbeuter

Newsbeuter is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals.
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HTML renderer: colspan attribute processing is broken #306

Open Minoru opened 8 years ago

Minoru commented 8 years ago

colspan causes things to shift in a way they shouldn't. The following HTML:

<table border='1'>
        <th colspan='2'>hello</th>

renders as:

|hello    |world|how  |are |you |
|one|two  |three|four|five|six|

The first row there is obviously broken.

The same happens with <th> (i.e. when using <th colspan='2'> instead of <td colspan='2'>.)

thiagolcmelo commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am getting something similar.

When expecting


I am getting:


Minoru commented 7 years ago

Hi, @thiagolcmelo! Your screenshot doesn't look anything like Newsbeuter. Perhaps you commented in the wrong repository?