Newsbeuter version (copy from newsbeuter -v):
newsbeuter 2.9 -
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Andreas Krennmair
newsbeuter is free software and licensed under the MIT/X Consortium License.
Type `newsbeuter -vv' for more information.
Compilation date/time: Dec 7 2015 04:47:17
System: Linux 4.8.13-1-ARCH (x86_64)
Compiler: g++ 5.3.0
ncurses: ncurses 6.0.20161224 (compiled with 6.0)
libcurl: libcurl/7.52.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2j zlib/1.2.11 libpsl/0.16.1 (+libicu/58.2) libssh2/1.8.0 (compiled with 7.46.0)
SQLite: 3.16.2 (compiled with 3.9.2)
libxml2: compiled with 2.9.2
When exit confirmation message appears, you need to press specifically 'n' to make it go away if you don't want to quit.
Other users may find a timeout (as an option, value set by the user - something like 2.5 for two and a half seconds) more practical/comfortable. If nothing is pressed for 2.5 seconds (just one example), the confirmation message goes away and you don't quit the program. If something is pressed during those 2.5 seconds, but not 'n' or 'y', the program will keep waiting for your input while displaying the confirmation message for another 2.5 seconds.
Newsbeuter version (copy from
newsbeuter -v
): newsbeuter 2.9 - Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Andreas Krennmairnewsbeuter is free software and licensed under the MIT/X Consortium License. Type `newsbeuter -vv' for more information.
Compilation date/time: Dec 7 2015 04:47:17 System: Linux 4.8.13-1-ARCH (x86_64) Compiler: g++ 5.3.0 ncurses: ncurses 6.0.20161224 (compiled with 6.0) libcurl: libcurl/7.52.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2j zlib/1.2.11 libpsl/0.16.1 (+libicu/58.2) libssh2/1.8.0 (compiled with 7.46.0) SQLite: 3.16.2 (compiled with 3.9.2) libxml2: compiled with 2.9.2
When exit confirmation message appears, you need to press specifically 'n' to make it go away if you don't want to quit.
Other users may find a timeout (as an option, value set by the user - something like 2.5 for two and a half seconds) more practical/comfortable. If nothing is pressed for 2.5 seconds (just one example), the confirmation message goes away and you don't quit the program. If something is pressed during those 2.5 seconds, but not 'n' or 'y', the program will keep waiting for your input while displaying the confirmation message for another 2.5 seconds.