akrossu / SimpleAndClean

Takes advantage of Discord's full app area to provide a clean look without nasty branding or window controls.
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Seperate user messages #17

Open akrossu opened 2 months ago

akrossu commented 2 months ago

I think it would be cool to have another external css import that would modernize the chat window which would make it similar to every other chat app. This would align your messages to the right in a distiguishable, customizable color.

akrossu commented 1 month ago

okay, so one major problem I have encountered, unfortunately.

Issue 1:

Ignore different user Icon color idk


There is no way I have found to group user messages because the only distiguishable form is within the profile picture of the user. This simply does not apply to subsequent user messages thus it not appearing styled as such. I'm honestly unsure if this is even possible but as it is currently, it is the best it will be thatenough

akrossu commented 1 month ago

Another small problem to add is the user experience. It isn't exactly the most friendly to setup either since I am using pure css in the form of the :has() psuedo-class meaning I can not use css variable such as --user-id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx for example.

While there are a few more things to fix like other user's embeds and replies being incorrectly styled:


I will put a hold on this until further developments are made unless someone else would like to contribute. bow