What is the expected behavior?
I should be able to pass data from child to parent node
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
It is blocking potential of great lib
Please tell us about your environment:
Angular version: 4
Browser: Chrome neweset
Other information
I have tree component. And I'm trying to move nodes but I'm not able to because each time when I'm drag and dropping I'm receiving data from parent component in dragData
Quick ilustration (A, B - components):
1 Drag B
2 Put it on A
3 console.log data from component - Data will be always not from dragged comp
I'm submitting a ... [ ] bug report
Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? bug
What is the current behavior? when i put child node to parent node I'm not receiving transferdata from child but from parent
If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem via https://plnkr.co or similar. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46993288/angular-2-4-drag-and-drop-with-data-of-iniciator additionally steps are provided at the end of post
What is the expected behavior? I should be able to pass data from child to parent node
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? It is blocking potential of great lib
Please tell us about your environment:
Angular version: 4
Browser: Chrome neweset
Other information I have tree component. And I'm trying to move nodes but I'm not able to because each time when I'm drag and dropping I'm receiving data from parent component in dragData
Quick ilustration (A, B - components):
1 Drag B
2 Put it on A
3 console.log data from component - Data will be always not from dragged comp
Below is my quick code:
Parent component
html of parent component
<app-tree [tree]="someTree"></app-tree>
All what I want is to put data from node to node parent.