akshar001 / Idea-Session

Idea Session At our organisation
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4th September 2023 #3

Open akshar001 opened 10 months ago

akshar001 commented 10 months ago

Problem / Idea :-

Solution :-


djkabutar commented 10 months ago

Problem: Much complex physics are required to generate holographic light interference at edge Solution: Forgetting about the physics and trying to do holography using Deep Neural Network Implementation: For this, everything related to the holography's physics and usage of neural network for complex computation is mentioned over here

To understand multi light source theory better you can find every video references over here

Above light theory will gives us the idea about the multiverse and quantum computing related theories.

Devang1399 commented 10 months ago

Problem/Idea :- Air Pollution rise in Metro Cities due to the Heavy use of Vehicles and other Air Pollutants.

Solution :- There are already so many anti smog towers installed as an outdoor Air purification System in China and other developed countries & In India as well like Delhi and Bangalore cities. But these all solutions seams not very effective for the Air Purification purpose & for this purpose they have installed big 100 meters and 20 meters Anti Smog Towers in a few number of count for the whole city. which costs a lot also.

So, As a Implementation we can initially install the small height of towers and portable systems at every traffic Intersections. So it costs lesser compared to the big one.

And we can Improve the Membrane Filtration System also.

by this initiative we can have at least air quality improvement related data for analysis and better Improvement.

bojle commented 10 months ago

Olfactory displays for alerts in a vehicle


Monitors serve as the primary interface for displaying digital content, offering vibrant colors and sharp images for tasks ranging from web browsing to video editing.

They are not the only way to transmit information though. We have other senses, one of them being our sense of smell.

Smell is a powerful sense and most humans are innately capable of differentiating b/w good and bad smells and unanimously agree on it.


"Check Engine Lights" in a car alert that the engine needs maintenance. It is more often then not, ignored by drivers as "not very harmful". There are other indications in a vehicle that require attention too.


Olfactory displays are capable of representing information through smell. The smell of something burning, for example, captures the attention of people and makes them alert.

The idea is to map indicators to certain smells based on the severity of the indication required.

For example, if attention is required immediately, a burning smell could be emitted.


Mapping schemes for the 400,000 different smells we are capable of identifying.


An olfactory display would likely be used as a supplement to existing visual displays and not as an alternative.



Pratiksha0102 commented 10 months ago

Problem :- Most of the times people can't taste food of their choice because of medical conditions. e.g. diabetic patient.

Solution :- Taste Sensations and Flavors Based on Tongue’s Electrical and Thermal Stimulation. We can create some of the tastes from basic 5 tastes with electrical and thermal signals.

There's one research shows the solution for this problem you can find it here

Jay-s01anki commented 10 months ago


Our idea revolves around the creation of an advanced haptic suit designed to offer users a truly immersive virtual reality experience. The core concept is to develop a suit that can simulate realistic tactile feedback and sensory sensations within the virtual world. This haptic suit will be a game-changer in the VR industry, enhancing the way users interact with digital environments.


Our solution encompasses several key components to make this haptic suit a reality. First and foremost, we will incorporate a sophisticated haptic feedback mechanism throughout the suit. This mechanism will employ an array of actuators and sensors to provide precise and real-time feedback, enabling users to feel a wide range of sensations such as touch, pressure, temperature, and even force feedback.

Moreover, we'll integrate sensors that monitor the user's movements, posture, and biometric data, allowing us to adapt the haptic feedback in real-time to match the user's actions seamlessly. Wireless connectivity will ensure that the suit communicates with VR headsets and content platforms, enabling synchronized experiences between the virtual and physical worlds.

Customizability is another essential aspect of our solution. Users will have the freedom to personalize their haptic feedback profiles, tailoring the intensity and type of sensations to their preferences and the specific VR experience they are engaging in. Furthermore, we will design the haptic suit to be compatible with a wide range of VR hardware and software, ensuring accessibility and versatility.

here are some companies that are known for their work in the field of virtual reality (VR), haptic technology, or immersive experiences:https://teslasuit.io/

jaytrivedi11 commented 10 months ago

Problem :- In factories and large commercial buildings, numerous devices operate 24/7, including lights, generators, and many other electric devices. Monitoring all of these devices simultaneously is not possible for a single person at any given time

Solution :- We can create a metaverse of this building, allowing individuals to monitor and operate any device from their mobile phones regardless of their location. This eliminates the need to be physically present at a specific location to monitor these devices. Additionally, we can leverage this metaverse in the parking area to address the challenge of finding parking spaces in large parking lots. The metaverse will guide you to available parking spots

Implementation :- To implement a metaverse for building monitoring and parking guidance, start with a technology stack, develop a virtual 3D model of the building and parking area in Blender or another tool, integrate devices, and create a user-friendly mobile app from Unity. Ensure robust connectivity, security, and user interfaces make sure that mobile app and device will communicate properly

singhpriya88 commented 10 months ago

Problem / Idea :- A gas leak incident occurred due to the inadvertent turning of the gas stove knob.

Solution :-Designing a gas stove lock system with sensor technology and a microcontroller, aimed at enhancing safety for children and individuals who may require extra protection due to mental instability

A research paper link addressing this issue is available https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7443474?reload=true

roshnijain01 commented 10 months ago

Idea :- Generate video using RNN.

Explanation : - As we know, RNN is used in text to image conversion. For eg: If we provide a column of a few pixels, each having different shades of the colour of sky during dawn or dusk, it will recognize the pattern using former data provided and would generate the rest of the image. Another use case of RNN is NLP. For eg: Consider the below given sentences:

  1. The baby brother may incite a fight between his older sisters by tattling on what each is doing.
  2. My only basketball insight is that my brother always shoots with his right hand and never his left.

In both the sentences, "incite" and "insight" are homophones. So, we need to look for the previous words usaed in the sentences to understand which word is used. RNN is used for this task.

Let's consider a small video of dribbling a basketball. We will take the data of this video and by using RNN, we can generate more such frames.

A research paper based on similar idea, but transformers are used. Link for the research paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15868

UtsavBalar1231 commented 10 months ago


No universal navigation or positioning system available, yet!

Introducing Muon's Magic in navigation.

[!WARNING] GPS is bad

GPS is one of the most widely used navigation and positioning system used globally.

But GPS does not work well with underground or underwater surfaces. So, think about a situation where you are underground or underwater and you want to detect an object. GPS will fail to give you the answer.

But wait we have another navigation system

[!WARNING] LIDAR is nice

LIDAR is another navigation system that works on the principle of detecting objects with light.

But LIDAR does not work precisely with underwater or unclear surfaces. So, think about a situation where you are in a hurricane or storm or even underwater, you will not be able to get precise data from LIDAR.

[!WARNING] There is acoustic positioning

Acoustic navigation is a navigation system that works on the principle of detecting objects with sound. It gives a very precise measurement

But acoustic navigation has limited range.

Muons are great

In the current particles physics era, Muons are these small elementary particles that exhibits similar behavior as the electron. In comparision to mass these muons are 200 to 400x heavier than electrons. They appear naturally from the decaying of atomic nucleans when the Cosmic rays hit the earth.

Muons are also the most abundant particles in the universe. They travel at a very high speed (close to the speed of light) and they fall together with the same speed.

But, muons only live for 2.2 microseconds.

This is why they are called muons. So, they can cover about 6600 Meters of depth before they decay into neutrinos and electrons.

Now a group of scientists have invented a new Positioning system based off Muon's Magic.

MuPS [Muometric Positioning System]

Using MuPS you can penetrate deep inside mountains or volcanoes or even underwater ocean tectonic movements.


Now, as described earlier the MuPS can work on different surfaces and topologies. We can create an universal positioning system. Which can be implemented on some advanced Drone or Autonomous Vehicle for surveillance and navigation.


Original Paper from University of Tokyo, Japan


PraptiShah commented 10 months ago

Smart traffic controller implementation using FPGA

Problem / Idea : Nowadays, Traffic congestion and inefficiency are common problems. Traditional traffic light systems operate on fixed timers and do not adapt to real-time traffic conditions, causing unnecessary delays.

Solution: Develop a smart traffic light control system using FPGAs to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion.

Implementation: Install sensors, cameras, and other data-gathering devices at key intersections to collect real-time traffic data. This includes information on vehicle density, speed, and direction. Use FPGAs to process the incoming data rapidly. Implement adaptive traffic control algorithms on the FPGA. Incorporate a feature that gives priority to emergency vehicles, such as ambulances and fire trucks. When any sound of the emergency vehicles are detecting then using this program, give the first priority to that one.

There's one research shows the solution for this problem here

Hinalikp commented 10 months ago

Idea: Develop employer-focused application that enables easy access to employee salary records.

Poblem: In industries like textiles and diamonds, employers maintain employee salary records using pen and paper, and they provide salaries in cash rather than digitally. This manual record-keeping process can be complex and challenging to manage.

Solution: Create a user-friendly application for employers. Employers can easily retrieve their employees' salary records by entering their names(or anything). This application is exclusively for employers and doesn't connect to banks or deal with tax-related issues, simplifying record-keeping.

haritshukla commented 10 months ago

Automate PCB Simulation steps using Open-source software

Simulating hardware can be prohibitively expensive when relying on paid software. To ensure accessibility to a wider audience, we turn to open-source and free simulators, eliminating limitations that typically accompany proprietary tools. These open-source solvers, initially designed for academic research, are versatile for everyday engineering tasks, offering no constraints such as file size or mesh size limitations, allowing for virtually unlimited modeling possibilities.

The Challenge

Utilizing open-source software for testing high-speed and high-power computers operating at 200A - 800A presents its own set of challenges. To conduct various simulations such as EM field, Elasticity, Acoustics, Temperature, Voltage Drop, and Current Flow in a Power Plane, we often find ourselves juggling multiple software applications, each serving a specific role:

  1. Geometry Preparation
  2. Meshing
  3. Solver
  4. Visualization

The Solution

The solution lies in scripting within Altium Designer to execute solver equations directly on copper planes embedded within the PCB. Alternatively, we can streamline the process by automating these steps within various software applications.


Conducting Power Distribution Network (PDN) analysis systems necessitates the use of software tools such as Altium Designer, Solidworks, Salome-Meca, Elmer FEM, and Blender.

1. Geometry Preparation

Begin by exporting the copper plane as a .dxf file (2D format) from Altium Designer.


Following this, employ Ansys Spaceclaim, Solidworks, or FreeCAD to convert it from 2D to 3D, where you can define the copper thickness, input and output power sources, and save it as a .stp file.


2. Meshing

Import the .stp file into Salome-Meca software and partition the plane into smaller elements, exporting it as a .unv file.


3. Solver

Take the .unv file and import it into Elmer FEM software. Here, you can apply static current conditions to each section of the copper plane and execute the solver, which will generate a .vtu file.


4. Visualization

To visualize the results of the solver's simulations, use Blender software to import the .vtu file and view the final outcomes.


Miteshkb commented 10 months ago

problem: Design a cost-effective and efficient method to ensure accurate real-time monitoring of indoor air quality for homes, considering various environmental factors and potential challenges such as sensor calibration, data accuracy, user interface, and affordability.

solution:"I'm planning to create a small adaptor-type device that can analyse air particles to monitor indoor air quality. This device will help us understand the level of pollutants in the air around us, enabling us to take steps to improve the healthiness of our homes."

Implementation:-"The compact adapter device will utilize advanced sensors to detect and measure airborne particles in real-time. It will then provide instant data and analysis via a user-friendly mobile app. Users can receive alerts and recommendations to improve air quality by adjusting ventilation or using air purifiers. The device will be energy-efficient and connect seamlessly to Wi-Fi networks. Its affordability and accessibility aim to empower individuals to make informed choices for healthier indoor environments."