akshar001 / Idea-Session

Idea Session At our organisation
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28 October 2023 #4

Open akshar001 opened 9 months ago

akshar001 commented 9 months ago

Problem / Idea :-

Solution :-


SLASH-JEET commented 9 months ago

Idea: Locally generated Power Distribution (Solar)

Solution: As people are shifting to solar panels they can generate more according to their panel area, one can become a local distributor rather than relying on the conventional grid, this would reduce the loss of power due to the longer distance of transmission and phase and frequency maintenance.

Implementation: As all of the houses are connected to nearby transformers we can develop an IIOT solution through which we can swap the lines from the conventional grid to the local distributor without the hassle of rerouting the entire wire scheme

UtsavBalar1231 commented 9 months ago

Idea: Improving reliability and precision of GNSS-based receivers


In the previous Idea session, I explained the need for a universal navigation system that can be used during any climate or terrain.

Now, we all have faced the same problem while driving to an unknown place. That is the reliability of the Google Maps or any other GPS navgators or trackers during the time of need. Unpredictable and inconsistent position showing up in the Google Maps while driving to an unknown destination. Its infuriating!😡.

While thinking about the problem and trying to look for some easy solutions, I decided to go deep inside the GPS iceberg.

Some of the factors that are responsible for the inaccuracies are:

  1. Number of satellites
  2. Geometry of the satellite (Constellation of satellites)
  3. Multipath Interference
  4. Receiver quality


The simplest approaches that anyone can take to mitigate the above mentioned factors are:

  1. Increase the number of satellites
  2. Calculate better geometry of the satellites
  3. Reduce the multipath interference
  4. Improve the receiver quality

Among the four above mentioned approaches, expect the third, all are related to the physical or hardware aspect of the receiver or satellite.

Multipath interference is a common problem in GNSS receivers. There are many different solutions that can be used to reduce the multipath interference. But, there is no single solution that can be used for all receivers.


There is a white paper, which explains how to reduce the multipath interference in GNSS receivers without altering the actual hardware.

So, It's like a synthetic software layer, that improves the existing correlation technique for reducing the noisy and unwanted signals, ultimately improving the overall accuracy of the GNSS receiver without altering the actual hardware.

I propose that this technique can be adapted for use in GNSS receivers through a FPGA or an ASIC, which can be easily integrated into any smartphone or computer for any GNSS receiver! The interface between the two devices can be USB, PCIe or even a Wireless LAN.

Since correlation is just a mathematical technique, its implementation can be done easily on a FPGA or ASIC. And the surrounding software stack can be proposed to all the big tech companies such as Apple, Google and Microsoft.

jaytrivedi11 commented 9 months ago

NB-IoT Asset Tracker

Problem / Idea



Hardware Selection

Sensor Integration


Power Management

GPS Tracking

Data Storage

Web and Mobile Application

Alerts and Notifications

Testing and Validation


Maintenance and Updates

yswntht commented 9 months ago

Problem :- faster simulation platforms for out-of-order cpus for evaluating next-gen cpu architectures. even the largest available fpgas do not have sufficient resources to map a realistic cpu.

Solution :- existing solutions use multiple cloud fpgas stitched together to solve multiple core cpu simulation on fpga. However they dont have support for the case when each cpu core is very large. To best of my knowledge this is an open problem. Such a solution would allow more people to adventure into build custom high performance cpu architectures.

Devang1399 commented 9 months ago

Problem Statement : there is no provision for the on the spot payment of No Parking fine while the vehicles are locked using the mechanical locks by traffic police.

Idea : We can make the QR code based lock-unlock system for the on the spot payment.

Implementation : That mechanical Locks are lock and unlock on the basis of QR code payment. the person has to pay the fine by scanning the QR code displayed on the mechanical lock.

as the payment will be done the person will get the payment receipt on the registered number after that lock will automatically be unlocked.

then that person has to dock that lock to the nearest "NO PARKING" Sign board.

This lock has the configuration display for inserting the Vehicle details by traffic police for generating the QR code. then it has GPS tracking system also for security concerns of that smart lock.

uttam7145 commented 9 months ago


Solution :- Wireless Electric Vehicle (EV) highway charging is an innovative technology designed to make long-distance electric vehicle travel more convenient and practical. There are several solutions and technologies under development or in use to make this concept a reality:

1) Dynamic Wireless Charging (DWC): This technology allows vehicles to charge while driving on the highway. It typically involves embedding wireless charging coils in the road surface. As a vehicle equipped with compatible wireless charging technology drives over these coils, it receives an inductive charge, enabling it to travel long distances without stopping for a traditional plug-in charging session. This technology is still in the experimental phase and not yet widely deployed.

2) Static Wireless Charging Stations: These are stationary charging pads or plates that can be installed at rest areas, parking lots, or other convenient locations along the highway. When a vehicle parks on top of these charging stations, it wirelessly charges the battery. Companies like WiTricity and Plugless offer this technology, but it's primarily intended for stationary charging rather than on-the-go highway charging.

3) Overhead Charging: Another approach to wireless EV highway charging involves overhead charging systems. These systems use overhead charging stations that provide power to vehicles through a pantograph or arm that extends from the vehicle's roof. This method can be integrated into electric buses or trucks for highway charging.

4) Autonomous Charging Systems: Research is ongoing into autonomous charging systems that allow EVs to automatically navigate and dock with charging stations, minimizing the need for driver intervention.

5) V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) Communication: Vehicle-to-everything communication can help EVs locate and access nearby charging stations more efficiently, making the charging process on highways smoother.

The development and deployment of wireless EV highway charging solutions are still in their early stages, and challenges such as standardization, cost, and infrastructure deployment need to be addressed. Nevertheless, the concept holds great promise for making long-distance electric vehicle travel more convenient and practical. It is likely that as technology advances and the adoption of EVs continues to grow, we will see more widespread implementation of wireless EV highway charging solutions.

Implementation:- The implementation of wireless EV highway charger solutions involves a combination of technology, infrastructure development, standards, and regulatory support. Here are the key steps and considerations for implementing wireless EV highway chargers:

1) Planning and Feasibility Studies: Identify highways or routes with high EV traffic or those strategically important for long-distance travel. Conduct feasibility studies to assess the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of implementing wireless charging infrastructure.

2)Technology Selection: Choose the wireless charging technology suitable for your project, such as dynamic wireless charging (DWC), static wireless charging, or overhead charging systems.

3)Infrastructure Development: Install charging infrastructure along the chosen highway, including charging coils, power electronics, and communication systems. Ensure compatibility with different types of EVs and their onboard wireless charging systems.

4)Safety and Standards Compliance: Comply with safety standards and regulations for wireless charging systems. Work with relevant regulatory bodies to establish and maintain safety guidelines for wireless EV charging on highways.

5)Grid Connection and Power Supply: Ensure a stable and sufficient power supply to the charging infrastructure. This may require upgrading the local power grid or integrating renewable energy sources. Implement smart grid solutions to manage power distribution efficiently.

6)Communication Infrastructure: Develop a robust communication network to enable data exchange between the charging infrastructure, EVs, and central management systems. Implement vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication to facilitate vehicle connectivity.

7)User Experience: Develop user-friendly interfaces for EV drivers to locate and use the wireless charging stations easily. Implement billing and payment systems for convenient and secure transactions.

8)Maintenance and Monitoring: Establish a maintenance and monitoring system to ensure the continuous operation and safety of the charging infrastructure. Implement predictive maintenance to proactively address issues before they cause downtime.

REFERENCE:- https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/6/1547

gaurav-1801 commented 9 months ago

Idea: Capacitive Touch Keyboard:

Solution:-1)Capacitive touch keyboards on the principles of capacitance. When a user touches a key, the capacitance changes, and this change is registered as a keypress. 2)Sensitivity to Touch: Capacitive touch keyboards are highly sensitive to touch, allowing for light and precise key presses. They do not require the physical actuation of a key, like traditional mechanical keyboards, which can be more comfortable for some users. The capacitive keys are long-lasting technology that guarantees long life and high reliability. It also has an additional integrated feature for complete keyboard locking (press ctrl & fn together) which secures the keypad from vandalization and enables cleaning of the keypad in condition. REFERENCE: https://www.keetronics.com/capacitive-pc-keyboard/

Keetronics-Logo-Contact-scaled-1 medical-scaled-1

haritshukla commented 8 months ago

Fireworks IgniteSafe


The focal issue at hand is the safety of children and individuals during the Diwali festival, an occasion frequently marred by firecracker-related accidents. The traditional use of firecrackers presents substantial risks, particularly to young children who may not fully grasp the dangers inherent in these festive explosives. Our core concept revolves around crafting a secure alternative that not only safeguards lives but also upholds the cherished spirit of Diwali, all while eradicating the perils associated with conventional firecrackers.


"Fireworks IgniteSafe" is a comprehensive system designed to ensure the safe and secure enjoyment of Diwali. This innovative system consists of two primary components: a Transmitter (TX) mobile app and a Receiver (RX) smart firecracker device.

1. Transmitter (TX):

a. The Transmitter is a mobile phone application that runs on a smartphone.

b. Users can control the RX device via the app, ensuring safe and convenient operation.

c. The app allows users to customize the firework display and synchronize it with music for an enhanced Diwali experience.

2. Receiver (RX):


The Receiver is a smart firecracker device designed for safety and entertainment.

a. Bluetooth: It features Bluetooth connectivity, allowing it to pair with the mobile phone's Transmitter (TX).

b. Audio-Controlled Firecracker: The RX device incorporates an Audio-Controlled Firecracker mechanism, ensuring that the fire patterns synchronize with the low-frequency beats of the chosen music. image

c. Image Graphic Pattern: An image graphic pattern mode is included, allowing users to draw patterns on the app, and the RX device recreates these patterns in the form of a fountain-like firecracker display.

d. Motion Sensor: For safety, the RX device is equipped with a Motion Sensor to detect human presence. If a person enters the safety radius, the RX device will not ignite the fire, ensuring that it remains safe.

e. Status LEDs Ring: The device features a Status LEDs ring on top, indicating whether it is in a "hold" state (safe to approach) or a "fire" state (firecracker is active).

f. Loudspeaker: It also includes a loudspeaker for a countdown before the firecracker ignites, adding to the Diwali festivities.

g. Camera: Additionally, there is a built-in Camera to capture beautiful moments during the Diwali celebration.


The implementation of this innovative Diwali safety device involves the development of both the mobile app (Transmitter) and the smart firecracker device (Receiver).

  1. Transmitter (TX) App: • Develop a user-friendly mobile application available for Android and iOS platforms. • Integrate features for controlling the RX device, customizing firework displays, and syncing with music. • Ensure the app is easy to use and compatible with a wide range of smartphones.
  2. Receiver (RX) Device: • Design and manufacture the RX device with Bluetooth connectivity, motion sensors, status LED, and a loudspeaker. • Implement an audio-controlled firecracker mechanism and an image graphic pattern mode. • Incorporate the countdown timer for safe ignition and a built-in camera for capturing Diwali memories.
  3. Safety Measures: • Rigorous safety testing and quality control to prevent any potential hazards. • Provide user manuals and safety guidelines for a secure and enjoyable Diwali experience.