akshar001 / employee-skill-sharing

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Concept. #1

Open akshar001 opened 1 year ago

akshar001 commented 1 year ago

As we did discuss earlier, we have a broad range of 30 unique humans who possess, different kind of skill-set. I am planning for every Saturday 1 hour, where everybody can teach or learn from any specific people.

I have a system in mind already, but still i am open to suggestions of how we can perform that. Consider this thread as a discussion forum, to design such a system which can continue up-to even we are 10,000 of us.

What should be discussed?

  1. How we can identify or display the skills of each of team-mates.
  2. How we can identify what everybody is willing to learn?
  3. How the session should be organised, whether they are for continue sessions until and unless the learner has learnt and teacher is pleased to teach.
  4. Platform, to trace everything in software?
bojle commented 1 year ago
  1. Self-volunteering or peer-urging
  2. A vote based system could be imagined where anyone willing to take a session can introduce their topic and others could vote on it.
  3. At our scale, in-person sessions seem the most effective way to do this. A one-time 2-3 hour session can only cover some ground, experts too are learning, so topics should be revisited from time to time, spanning multiple sessions.
  4. Github works well. Each session can have its own thread.

Moreover, Topics should not be limited to what we already know. If someone discovers something that can make everyone better at work, that tech should be considered as a learning project. Perhaps, a "Learning Group" can be devoted to understanding that technology and teaching everyone else.