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[fastpages] 5.1-5.6 Big Ideas Final Review Ticket #21

Open akshat122805 opened 1 year ago

akshat122805 commented 1 year ago

BIG IDEAS LECTURE NOTES (1pt): 5.1 & 5.2

5.3 & 5.4

5.5 & 5.6

The links above contain my notes for lectures through 5.1 to 5.6. All detailed notes are there and responses to each question that highlight the concept of the lecture.

TRIPLEAJ TEAM and N@TM ARCADE PLAN (1pt): We detailed out a 10 day workplan for each coding hour as well as discussed we plan to show and present during N@TM, view our 10 day work plan & N@TM plan here

See frontend, backend, devops work through SCRUM issue portfolio: TripleAJ Arcade Issues


Showing individual feature off of deployed servers, Github.io (FE) to AWS (BE) - 1pt: We have deployed through DUCKDNS, view our main server here: ajarcade.org and view our backend connection here: ajarcade.org backend --> this shows our backend being connected and displaying the amount of tokens corresponding to each user and its individual game. We plan to add data points by giving specific token amounts for each game which decide the user's leaderboard stance. Here is a picture: image

Backend APIs for GET and POST methods: Currently here is my GET method functioning through Postman, we are able to effectively connect this GET method to our flask server. image

Here is my POST Method Working: I am adding myself as a user to the database which is actually saved onto our deployed backend.


Backend API to Pong (Individual feature): Here is my plan and current state of the create and read operations for the user on my feature, and the current issues that I am having:

-> Since we want to create a functioning token system, we decided to layout a plan in which JS can be comprehended for backend procedures. image

-> For our games specifically, we wanted to combine all the tokens earned and so we troubleshooted this with three users, we creates a functioning SQL program. image

-> From then we intended to create a functioning protocol which connected our SQL to our front end so Pong for example will have an update in soccer every time a player scores and wins (same for other games). Here is an example: image