akshathjain / sliding_up_panel

A draggable Flutter widget that makes implementing a SlidingUpPanel much easier!
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How to use a `CustomScrollView` inside of the `panelBuilder` #296

Open aytunch opened 2 years ago

aytunch commented 2 years ago

I am using a package which manages its own ScrollController so I can not pass the scroll controller coming from panelBuilder into it. The package is vertical_scrollable_tabview

Is there a way to use SlidingUpPanel and still be able to dismiss the sheet if the CustomScrollViews position is at the top? When the content is smaller than the remaning height it works fine but when it is bigger, hence scrollable, the sheet does not dismiss and we see the overscroll effect.

This video might help.


alanlanglois commented 2 years ago

@aytunch Did you find a way?