akshathjain / sliding_up_panel

A draggable Flutter widget that makes implementing a SlidingUpPanel much easier!
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Can the package be used in a commercial app? #312

Open yshean opened 1 year ago

yshean commented 1 year ago

From the license it is not very clear whether the package can be used in a commercial app. Can somebody clarify this?

qixotic commented 1 year ago

Text is identical to the https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause except with the addition of:

* All use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This
  product includes software developed by Akshath Jain (https://akshathjain.com).
Jonas-Sander commented 9 months ago

What exactly does "acknowledgement" mean? Most Flutter apps use the generated showLicensePage which includes this license and thus the text "This product includes software developed by Akshath Jain (https://akshathjain.com)".

@akshathjain Can you clarify?

Jonas-Sander commented 9 months ago

A customized license kind of sucks if one wants to check the licenses of all the packages one uses, because it won't be automatically recognized as e.g. BSD-2-Clause.