akshathjain / sliding_up_panel

A draggable Flutter widget that makes implementing a SlidingUpPanel much easier!
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Still maintained ? #318

Open devappbox opened 1 year ago

devappbox commented 1 year ago

Hello @akshathjain

I use this package for production, but I see it hasn't been updated in a long time, is it still being maintained?, Please give me a sign bro.


JoakimMellonn commented 1 year ago

It sadly doesn't look like it, I posted an issue about two months ago, and haven't heard anything from him... It is a very cool package, and I do wish some of the issues i have could be fixed! But I think that I'm going to have to build my own solution.

YouSour commented 1 year ago

any recommend , which package are you guy using right now ?

JoakimMellonn commented 1 year ago

any recommend , which package are you guy using right now ?

I've kept using this package, but have had to use an ugly workaround for now. Still looking for another solution. My specific problem is with a refreshindicator not working when inside the panel.

YouSour commented 1 year ago

@JoakimMellonn ok, my problem i try to hide and show panel, it is keeping error isAttached, i can't find any an example the right way to do it, and hide and show don't have animation.

thorizer commented 1 year ago

@YouSour @JoakimMellonn @devappbox
check https://pub.dev/packages/sliding_up_panel2 or https://pub.dev/packages/snapping_sheet

YouSour commented 1 year ago

@thorizer thank you, i'll check it 😄