akshettrj / watgbridge

A forwarder from WhatsApp to Telegram written in GoLang
MIT License
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Poll support #24

Closed NicKoehler closed 1 year ago

NicKoehler commented 1 year ago

Now that WhatsApp have polls too, currently when a poll is sent from whatsapp nothing is received on telegram side

akshettrj commented 1 year ago

There is some kind of support for polls Screenshot_20230508-031001_OwlGram

NicKoehler commented 1 year ago

I tried and received the poll, actually the last time I simply didn't received anything, no error or log, maybe connection issues

NicKoehler commented 1 year ago

I reproduced the issue but I have no output in logs, how can I help?

This is a poll with only one possible answer, multiselection polls are working fine.

Telegram Whatsapp
immagine immagine
akshettrj commented 1 year ago

Maybe turn on debug mode of the bot, you can find something related in the sample config file

NicKoehler commented 1 year ago

here's the logs I received in debug mode

mag 08 09:27:33 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:27:33.807+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:99        new unhandled whatsapp event type        {"event_type": "*events.Connected"}
mag 08 09:27:33 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:27:33.944+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:99        new unhandled whatsapp event type        {"event_type": "*events.OfflineSyncCompleted"}
mag 08 09:28:20 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:28:20.687+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:44        new Message event        {"event_id": "C08E65191B730C02B44D8C71E5BA8821"}
mag 08 09:28:20 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:28:20.687+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:80        took text from Conversation        {"event_id": "C08E65191B730C02B44D8C71E5BA8821", "text": ""}
mag 08 09:28:20 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:28:20.687+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:92        new message from others        {"event_id": "C08E65191B730C02B44D8C71E5BA8821"}
mag 08 09:28:20 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:28:20.859+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:243        trying to retrieve context info from Message        {"event_id": "C08E65191B730C02B44D8C71E5BA8821"}
mag 08 09:28:20 rasp bash[401173]: 2023-05-08T09:28:20.860+0200        DEBUG        WaTgBridge_Dev        whatsapp/handlers.go:308        no context info found in any kind of messages        {"event_id": "C08E65191B730C02B44D8C71E5BA8821"}
akshettrj commented 1 year ago

I will get back to you in a few days