akshettrj / watgbridge

A forwarder from WhatsApp to Telegram written in GoLang
MIT License
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Replies do not render well in WhatsApp #31

Closed Aceix closed 11 months ago

Aceix commented 11 months ago

replies to both statuses and messages do not have the reference preview

akshettrj commented 11 months ago

I played around, but nothing can be done about it.

Aceix commented 11 months ago

@akshettrj if i may ask, how does it work on WA?

akshettrj commented 11 months ago
  1. This is only on your side, the other users see the replies correctly.
  2. Even can click on the empty quoted message and you will be taken to the quoted message
  3. Some fields are set in the proto message being sent, but your mobile application does not trust it. You can try it out by running a debugger and monitoring the events being received and test it out

For any further enquiries, you are welcome to join t.me/WaTgBridge