akshettrj / watgbridge

A forwarder from WhatsApp to Telegram written in GoLang
MIT License
165 stars 40 forks source link

Improved Dockerfile to use multistage builds #37

Closed v4dkou closed 10 months ago

v4dkou commented 10 months ago

Brings down image size from 1.07GB to 264MB

For your consideration, things that can be improved:

  1. Allow configuring watgbridge to remove /updateandrestart in Docker (either in config.yaml or at build time)
  2. Tinker with Dockerfile to avoid rebuilding everything on file changes that wouldn't result in a different build to speed up build times

Willing to send more pull requests if this one is approved!

akshettrj commented 10 months ago

That is really cool. I have much to learn about docker.

I will be busy for a few months and won't be able to give time to this project. So PRs will be much appreciated :smile: