akshitagupta15june / Face-X

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Updated Documentation Fix for Issue #1801 #1802

Closed christianmckinnon closed 4 weeks ago

christianmckinnon commented 1 month ago

Related Issues or bug [Documentation]:

There are 3 inconsistencies that are improved with this solution:

1.) There is no opening <h1> tag, so the closing </h1> tag on line 36 should simply be removed to improve code correctness.

2.) On line 36 of the file, the header, "Image Segmentation Using Color space and Opencv", should be "Image Segmentation Using Color space and OpenCV", which is consistent with the spelling on line 27: "Pencil Sketch In Python Using OpenCV." This the standard abbreviated acronym of the Open Computer Vision Library's official spelling.

3.) On line 193, the second-level header "## Piplines", is spelled incorrectly, and can be updated to "## Pipelines" to improve clarity for contributors.

Fixes: #1801 3 Updates to Improve Readability in Face-X/Awesome-face-operations/Readme.md This pull request directly fixes the documentation inconsistencies raised in Issue #1801

Proposed Changes:

1.) The unclosed </h1> tag on line 36 has been removed to improve code correctness.

2.) On line 36 of the file, the header, "Image Segmentation Using Color space and Opencv", has been changed to "Segmentation Using Color space and OpenCV" to conform with the OpenCV spelling in the rest of the file.

3.) On line 193, the second-level header has been updated to: "## Pipelines" to improve clarity for contributors.


Original Updated
B1 B2
A1 A2

Please let me know if you have any additional thoughts or concerns, and thank you for reviewing these changes!

christianmckinnon commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for reviewing and merging!