akshitagupta15june / Face-X

Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces. Star the repo⭐
MIT License
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GSSoC'24: Animal Equivalent of the Human Face #1816

Closed SAM-DEV007 closed 3 weeks ago

SAM-DEV007 commented 4 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No. It is just a fun project.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like to add a face detection algorithm which would detect a human face and tell the animal equivalent of the face detected, i.e., which animal the human face converges to. I would like to add the project under Awesome-face-operations folder with the name HumanToAnimal-Detection.

Approach to be followed (optional)

Please assign me the issue under GSSoC'24.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Hello @SAM-DEV007, Thank you for generating an issue to this project! Please wait while we get back to you.

akshitagupta15june commented 3 weeks ago

not required for this repository