akshitagupta15june / Face-X

Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces. Star the repo⭐
MIT License
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Feature request: Improvement of face-detection-attendance-system-using-OpenCV code #1819

Closed Harshitmishra001 closed 3 weeks ago

Harshitmishra001 commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently this code is a bit genralized so i would like to enhance it.

Describe the solution you'd like The Ways that I have currently Improved this code--->

    Use a DATA_PATH variable to organize your data 

    Break down the code into functions (like load_known_faces, mark_attendance, and recognize_faces) for better structure and 

    Append attendance records to a CSV file (like attendance.csv) for easy record-keeping.

    Display recognized faces with green rectangles and namesand use red rectangles for unknown faces.

    Enable the user to exit the system using the 'q' key.

    Added Comments for better Understanding

I am Done With the coding part just putting this so that I can make a PR

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @Harshitmishra001, Thank you for generating an issue to this project! Please wait while we get back to you.