akshitagupta15june / Face-X

Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces. Star the repo⭐
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Update face-detection-attendance-system-using-OpenCV #1820

Closed Harshitmishra001 closed 3 weeks ago

Harshitmishra001 commented 3 weeks ago

Related Issues or bug

Fixes: #1819

Proposed Changes

The Ways that I have currently Improved this code--->

    Completely Rewritten Code for Better Visibility

    Use a DATA_PATH variable to organize your data 

    Break down the code into functions (like load_known_faces, mark_attendance, and recognize_faces) for better structure and 

    Append attendance records to a CSV file (like attendance.csv) for easy record-keeping.

    Display recognized faces with green rectangles and namesand use red rectangles for unknown faces.

    Enable the user to exit the system using the 'q' key.

    Added Comments for better Understanding

Additional Info


Updated ScreenShot Screenshot 2024-06-02 095812 Screenshot 2024-06-02 095826 Screenshot 2024-06-02 095846 Screenshot 2024-06-02 095857

Harshitmishra001 commented 3 weeks ago

@akshitagupta15june can you please review this